Arguments, insulting of deities, exiling of the handicapped. That’s what it’s like when a woman wants a baby.
Subscribe to The Purple Rock Survivor Podcast
I theorized last week, and was seemingly proven correct, that none of you read what I write here. So here is a list of things I’ll pretend we discuss on this episode:
1. Better Survivor hair: Malcolm or Cochran?
2. Which would you rather see: 30 minutes of monkey sex or 2 minutes of Brandon Hantz?
3. Wet blanket Tyler just wet-blanketing all over the place.
4. Fond remembrances of Drewchebag Drew Christy.
Of course, we always welcome your comments. Please note that any comments regarding Shirin and/or Max that are not unironic and effusive praise will be mocked. You can leave a comment here, tweet us @purplerockpod, or email us at purplerockpodcast on gmail. Thanks for listening!

The Purple Rock Survivor Podcast is among the top 500 Survivor podcasts on iTunes.