Survivor was so ready to be over with these fools that they blew through two episodes in one night, bringing John’s total podcast episode absenteeism to three for the season. He has less work ethic than Baylor.
Purple Rock Survivor podcast: San Juan del Sur- episode 11 and 12
To fill in, I decided to make this a Blood vs Water-type podcast by bringing in a family member: three-time guest and brother-in-law Billy. For a change, we actually take less time to discuss Survivor than it took to air it, while breaking down Natalie’s night, Jon and Jaclyn’s fight, idols in plain sight, and whether or not Reed’s attempts at saving himself were right. Also, I declare the winner of the season and break it to Billy gently that if we were in a Blood vs Water season, I’d vote him out in a heartbeat.
As always, we welcome your feedback either here or on one of the many other avenues you can reach us (especially Twitter: @purplerockpod or gmail: purplerockpodcast). Thanks for listening!
Note: You can find our iTunes subscription link here: Purple Rock Survivor podcast on iTunes

The Purple Rock Survivor Podcast is among the top 500 Survivor podcasts on iTunes.