Look at that episode title. How was that not a product integration thing where the reward challenge winners got Nestle Crunch bars? Sorry, this season has so frequently been about food that I reflexively start thinking about food whenever I think of it.
Purple Rock Survivor podcast: San Juan del Sur- episode 9
But hey, this week was an interesting episode! Things happened! But was the thing that happened- Jeremy getting booted- a good thing? Was it good for Jon and Jaclyn? Missy and Baylor? Reed? Ok, it was definitely good for Reed. But what happens next? Are Jon and Jaclyn going to coast to the finale, or are there still some obstacles in their path?
Jeremy’s exit also leads us into a discussion of winner’s edits: what they are, how to know one when you see one, and whether anyone will actually get one this season. We also bring the Zero Percent Club to an end, but only after John remembers to induct Alec.
As always, we welcome your feedback either here or on one of the many other avenues you can reach us (especially Twitter: @purplerockpod or gmail: purplerockpodcast. If you’d like, you can even leave us a voicemail on Skype at JRPurpleRock). Thanks for listening!
Note: You can find our iTunes subscription link here: Purple Rock Survivor podcast on iTunes

The Purple Rock Survivor Podcast is among the top 500 Survivor podcasts on iTunes.