Purple Rock Survivor podcast: Ranking the Survivor seasons, episode 3
Reminder: We’ll be doing a series of these for the next few weeks, with a different guest each episode recommending or bashing certain seasons for us in order to influence our rankings. At the end, we’ll give our own rankings and let you tell us how wrong we are.
In this episode, we discuss three seasons featuring returning players: Blood vs Water, Caramoan, and the horrendously awful Redemption Island. We’re joined by Chelsey, who gives us her opinion on why the first two are great and the last one is absolutely terrible. We discuss returning player casting rumors for each of the season, and whether certain players might have improved the seasons. And for the second week in a row, we shower Malcolm in praise and throw some shade on Mike Skupin.
We welcome discussion of previous seasons, and if you think we’ve treated a previous season unfairly, please send us your feedback:
Twitter: @purplerockpod
Skype: JRPurpleRock, where you can leave us a voicemail
Email: purplerockpodcast at gmail
Thanks for listening!
Note: You can find our iTunes subscription link here: Purple Rock Survivor podcast on iTunes. You should leave us a stellar review there so we can brag to our family about how well-liked our podcast is.

The Purple Rock Survivor Podcast is among the top 500 Survivor podcasts on iTunes.