Did everyone enjoy the offseason? The one where we talked about creating new content to keep the community going, and then basically gave up and just posted weekly bullshit and said “have at it”? Well, we’ve decided to end the offseason, even though it will continue indefinitely (the show won’t even begin filming until the Spring of 2021 at the earliest).
To do so, we’ve decided to replicate the feeling of weekly Survivor viewing and commenting by doing a full re-watch of a past season. Every Wednesday night (or so), we will watch one (1) episode of a past season of Survivor (unless there’s a double-episode to account for that is listed as “two”) until we finish the season. Every Thursday night, we will record a podcast about that episode. That podcast will then be posted on Friday for you to consume and comment on.
Obviously, this won’t perfectly replicate the rhythms around here. There’s no need for predictions, bonus content, or live comment posts. But every week, there will be fresh, Survivor-related content that we are committed to delivering. Every week, there will be a topic for us all to discuss and debate as a community. Some normalcy will return!
So what will we watch? This is where you (yes, you specifically) come in. We’re letting you pick (from a curated list of acceptable options), because we want you to watch with us and join the conversation. Here’s what we’re considering:
The Amazon
Let’s judge that other podcaster’s time on the show! We’ve gotten recent feedback on this season that suggests that we’re not assessing this show accurately given our current sensibilities, and we think it could be interesting to re-examine and discuss it in this new light.
Pearl Islands
We all think this season is awesome and great jumping on point and I’ll watch it with my kids.
Cook Islands
What’s more relevant in 2020 than Survivor: Race Wars?
Some of us will celebrate this as one of, if not the, best season in the history of the show. And then I will argue otherwise. Fun!
People think highly of this season and would enjoy re-watching it. Oh, this season also has another podcaster on it.
We started this podcast the season prior to this. We’ve also gone back and covered Philippines as a podcast series. Maybe we should fill in the gap?
Remember the last time we watched live Survivor and the top two players from that season were on this one? Might it be fun to see their first go round again?
So those are our considerations and you get to vote based on whatever criteria you want (pick a season you’d like to watch with us. Or maybe one you recently rewatched already? One you haven’t yet watched? One you think will lead to interesting and fun podcast content?). A note on how podcasts will work: every week, the PRP staff will hold a private Zoom chat about that week’s episode. Participants will come in and out as fits their schedules, meaning that some episodes might be a more traditional two-person chat, while others might be a more sprawling clusterfuck of 5 or 6. We hope this will be listenable and enjoyable, but we thought we’d try something new given all the unusual circumstances. Also, we will attempt to keep the majority of our discussions free of spoilers for future episode content for people watching for the first time (probably saving such discussion for the end of the podcast with the proper warnings).
Got it? It’s time to vote…
For which season should PRP do a watchalong? (you can pick two, one will win)
- The Amazon (18% Votes)
- Pearl Islands (18% Votes)
- Micronesia (18% Votes)
- Tocantins (17% Votes)
- Cook Islands (16% Votes)
- Cagayan (7% Votes)
- Caramoan (6% Votes)
Total Voters: 115

Note: we did briefly consider picking an international edition of Survivor. And then didn’t.

Co-host of the Purple Rock Survivor Podcast and the Canadian of the group, Andy has been watching Survivor continuously since the very beginning and likes to treat that as some kind of virtue to lord over others.
Favourite seasons: Heroes vs Villains, Cagayan, Cook Islands, Palau, Winners at War
Favourite players: Boston Rob, Kim Spradlin, Tony Vlachos, Sandra Diaz-Twine, Yul Kwon, Rob Cesternino
Pronouns: He/him