Guest Post: The Most Useless Players from Every Season of Survivor (part two) July 20, 2016August 25, 2016Sharculese 401 Every season of Survivor has at least one player you look at late in the game and think Who?, How?, and Wait they’re [...]
Purple Rock Survivor Podcast: Kaoh Rong Episode 13 “With Me or Not With Me” May 13, 2016May 24, 2016purplerockpodcast 82 Rather than spend an hour discussing an old guy’s prostate, we decided to find other things to talk about this week. Hope you [...]
Purple Rock Survivor Podcast: Kaoh Rong Episode 5 “The Devils You Know” March 18, 2016March 25, 2016purplerockpodcast 9 It’s swap time on the fifth episode of Survivor: Kaoh Rong, leading to a debate over how much is truly in the hands of [...]
Purple Rock Survivor Podcast: Kaoh Rong Episode 2 “Kindergarten Camp” February 26, 2016March 4, 2016purplerockpodcast 88 Two episodes into Survivor: Kaôh Rōng and it looks like we already have a train wreck tribe. Even better, we have an epic train wreck [...]