More Half-Measures: Targeting the Second Banana on Survivor November 4, 2015November 4, 2015Emma 2 Comments Last week on Survivor we saw perennial puppy dog Woo get blindsided once again. However, for the first time, he was blindsided by being [...]
31 from 30: Staff Picks for the 31st Moment that Shaped Survivor September 22, 2015August 25, 2016purplerockpodcast 21 Comments We’ve reached the end of our 30 from 30 series, but as we approach the 31st season of Survivor, we each had thoughts [...]
30 from 30: #24 – James Clement is Blindsided with Two Idols August 31, 2015August 24, 2016Matt 19 Comments The Moment: James Clement is voted out with two idols in his bag on Survivor: China. MattMatt is convinced that all Survivor contestants named [...]
30 from 30: #23 – The Edgardo Rivera Blindside August 28, 2015August 24, 2016Andy 15 Comments The Moment: The Four Horsemen fall when the Syndicate Alliance discovers a way to beat the hidden immunity idol with the Edgardo Rivera [...]
The Purple Rock Survivor podcast: San Juan del Sur, episode 13- “Let’s make a move” December 12, 2014July 14, 2017purplerockpodcast 5 Comments Get ’em, Twinnie! Natalie finally pulls off the power move she’s been telling us she wanted to do for weeks, and Jon heads [...]