Pick-4 Survivor: 43 fantasy league September 7, 2022September 7, 2022John 66 Comments Once again, I was unable to get anyone else to assume the duties of running this league for me, so…Welcome back to the [...]
Pick-4 Survivor: 41 fantasy league September 6, 2021September 8, 2021John 210 Comments Welcome to Survivor: Arbitrary Category vs. Other Arbit– Wait, we’re not doing that anymore? Fuck. JohnJohn is the co-host of the Purple Rock [...]
Survivor Fantasy League Scoreboard- MvGX week 5 October 20, 2016July 24, 2017John 55 Comments It’s David’s world, we’re all just living in it. JohnJohn is the co-host of the Purple Rock Survivor Podcast. He can get loud [...]
Survivor Fantasy League Scoreboard- MvGX week 4 October 14, 2016July 24, 2017John 60 Comments Are you ready for a world where Fantasy Scoring Machine David is a real thing? JohnJohn is the co-host of the Purple Rock [...]
Survivor Fantasy League Scoreboard- MvGX week 3 October 11, 2016July 24, 2017John 30 Comments Delayed but not forgotten, it’s time for the fantasy scoreboard! JohnJohn is the co-host of the Purple Rock Survivor Podcast. He can get [...]
Survivor Fantasy League Scoreboard- MvGX week 1 September 22, 2016July 24, 2017John 194 Comments New season, new hopes- and crippling new defeats. It’s time to change your teams! JohnJohn is the co-host of the Purple Rock Survivor [...]
Pick-4 Survivor: Millennials vs. Gen X fantasy league August 22, 2016July 24, 2017John 412 Comments Welcome back to the greatest Survivor fantasy league on the internet! JohnJohn is the co-host of the Purple Rock Survivor Podcast. He can [...]
Fantasy league scoring system review August 15, 2016August 17, 2016John 111 Comments It’s time for our semi-annual review of our Survivor fantasy league scoring system. Give us your input below. JohnJohn is the co-host of the [...]
Survivor Fantasy League Scoreboard- Kaoh Rong week 11 April 28, 2016April 28, 2016John 36 Comments Some very simple scoring was applied, and a very complex personality was rewarded. JohnJohn is the co-host of the Purple Rock Survivor Podcast. [...]
Survivor Fantasy League Scoreboard- Kaoh Rong week 10 April 21, 2016April 28, 2016John 47 Comments Some interesting fantasy scoring discussions this week, but I think we reached pretty fair conclusions. Read on to see if you agree. JohnJohn [...]
Survivor Fantasy League Scoreboard- Kaoh Rong week 9 April 14, 2016April 14, 2016John 52 Comments One chyron we won’t be seeing this season: “Debbie- Survivor Kaoh Rong winner”. But more importantly, how does that impact your fantasy team? [...]
Survivor Cambodia Fantasy League Scoreboard- Week 4 October 15, 2015October 15, 2015John 35 Comments Four episodes down so far. How is your team doing in the greatest Survivor Cambodia fantasy league on the internet? Read on to find [...]