Ultimate Survivor Tribal Council Bracket – Historic Division Round One March 11, 2016August 24, 2016Andy 2 One of the things that makes for a great Tribal Council is when history is made. When the possibilities of Survivor are expanded [...]
Ultimate Survivor Tribal Council Bracket – Strategic Division Round One March 11, 2016August 25, 2016Emma 18 We’re a bunch of gamebots here, and it’s always exciting to see strategy come together at a Tribal Council. Whether it’s a brilliant [...]
Ultimate Survivor Tribal Council Bracket – Blindsides Division Round One March 11, 2016August 25, 2016Mark 21 Before it was a hashtag on every single episode, a Survivor blindside was a special moment. The moment the game shifted beneath the [...]
Ultimate Survivor Tribal Council Bracket Introduction March 11, 2016March 11, 2016Andy Comment Welcome to the Purple Rock Podcast’s Ultimate Survivor Tribal Council Bracket, where you will vote on head to head match-ups to answer the [...]
Survivor Kaoh Rong Week 4 Predictions and Poll March 9, 2016August 25, 2016Andy 52 As mentioned on the podcast, most predictions this week both from us and those voting in the poll will be derived from information [...]
International Women’s Day: Celebrating Survivor Women with the Art of Ara Morin March 8, 2016March 8, 2016Guest Contributor 4 What better way for a Survivor site to celebrate International Women’s Day than to showcase the art of one of the most talented [...]
International Women’s Day: The Purple Rock Women’s Alliance Takeover March 8, 2016August 25, 2016Emma 212 In honor of International Women’s Day and a thread in our comment section, I organized a roundtable with some of our notable women commenters [...]
Purple Rock Survivor Podcast: Kaoh Rong Episode 3 “Circle of Life” March 4, 2016March 11, 2016purplerockpodcast 65 Hey look, another train wreck tribal council in Survivor: Kaôh Rōng! And this week, Andy finally pieces together why there were so many people who were [...]
Survivor Kaoh Rong Week 3 Predictions and Poll March 1, 2016August 25, 2016Andy 20 Now that we’re two episodes into Survivor: Kaôh Rōng, I’m sure we’ve got all this stuff figured out. The predictions are a mere formality [...]
Four Times Survivor Was Like a Horror Film February 29, 2016August 25, 2016Emma 7 In the wake of the ear bug that will haunt all of our nightmares for seasons to come, many in the Survivor community have [...]
Emma’s Live Know It Alls Experience February 29, 2016August 25, 2016Emma 18 It’s probably safe to say that most of you who listen to the Purple Rock Podcast or read our website are probably also [...]
Purple Rock Survivor Podcast: Kaoh Rong Episode 2 “Kindergarten Camp” February 26, 2016March 4, 2016purplerockpodcast 88 Two episodes into Survivor: Kaôh Rōng and it looks like we already have a train wreck tribe. Even better, we have an epic train wreck [...]