It’s merge week baby! Let’s get into it!
- Marisha find a bag and then gets real obvious in front of everyone making Renier help her. In the end she knocks it off with a stick and Renier picks it up, she could have done that on her own. So now Renier has an idol. WOMEN STOP GIVING MEN IDOLS. Santoni let Tyson find one, now Marisha has let Renier have this. They tell their alliance.
- MERGE TIME. The merge tribe is called Osindile which means survivor in two of South African’s native languages.
- AT the feast Chappies looks for a clue but doesn’t see it. Anesu is watching the blondes sitting all together.
- Chappies get drunk and resets with Wardah, then tells her all about the videos from home.
- Marisha tells Santoni that Santoni has 3 votes before she will be going home which rubs Santoni the wrong way and rightly so. Who says that in Survivor?
- Smash has decided to hide his notes from Immunity Island to make people think they are clues to the merge idol. He then told Shaun about his no vote and his steal a vote. Chappies walks in and Shaun decides to tell Chappies he found one of the clues just then. Very funny.
- Santoni tells Chappies about Tyson’s idol and Shaun. SHaun tells Anesu about Smash’s advantage and Tyson’s idol.
- The plan is for OG Zamba to take out OG Vuna.
- Shaun tells Smash about Tyson’s new idol, Santoni tells Marisha.
- For no reason Anesu, Marisha and Shaun decide to tie the chickens to a stake for them to run free and obviously two get loose. Bad move Anesu. Marisha blames her and now Anesu is pissed.
- Anesu is not keen on the 3 Non Non Blondes. They are way too tight.
- Basically everyone knows about Tyson’s idol. But only 4 people know about Renier’s idol and no has found the merge idol yet.
- Tyson and Santoni chat and talk about playing the idol for someone in the alliance and then telling OG Zamba that they are gunning for Nicole. Then voting out Marisha.
- Chappies finds a spyshack and sees Santoni doing her double agent thing, and learns about Smash’s vote nulifier/steal a vote.
- The Individual Immunity Challenge is the Elephants Up a Tree memorial challenge. Hold on to the high pole as long as possible. A classic. Kiran wins individual immunity. Over three hours Kiran, Tyson and Anesu hung on. Kiran sends Tyson to immunity island. Maybe it should have been Anesu or someone who would bequeath another immunity and keep their vote.
- The OG Zambas are arranging for Smash to take Chappie’s vote and splitting 3-3 on Wardah and Chappies. If they do so and Santoni and Anesu also split MArisha and Wardah would be on 3-3 and OG Zamba would vote her out.
- Tyson comes back so his vote counts. This is exactly the right move for his alliance.
- Shaun and Nicole are smelling the plan, they both think Tyson coming back means there is a plan afoot. Renier says ok, we’ll just put six votes on Chappies and then if they play an idol on him Renier will play his idol on Nicole. Shaun later says maybe Smash should take Tyson’s vote to make him paranoid and not use the idol on Chappies. Smash says it’s all good and it won’t happen.
- Tribal time. Kiran says he is there for a good time not a long time, he wants to play fun. Then Shaun calls Chappies out for telling Wardah about the videos and Santoni laughs saying Chappies always puts his foot in his mouth. Tyson gives the immunity to Wardah and then Smash plays his tribal insurance (which is an awful name) and takes Chappies’ vote, calling it academic, which again is hella dumb.
- When Nico asks about Immunity Idols Tyson gets up and gives it to Chappies to play. Renier hands his idol to Nicole and she plays it. There is a long pause as Nico asks if Renier is playing it for Nicole and Chappies looks way too happy before she says yes and Renier agrees. Should have read that and realised it was someone else. The votes come out and they are piled on Chappies, they do not count, then we see three votes for Marisha, that’s enough, Marisha is the first member of our Jury.
- The OG Vuma took an advantage of 6-5, they got insanely cocky, despite knowing there was an idol they let everyone know it was Chappies, they didn’t split at all and they got completely played. Santoni and Anesu played it perfectly but Renier who was a big favourite going into this one with a lot of relationships did not read the plan at all. Smash was so cocky when Shaun and Amy said maybe play the steal on someone else to give a bit of fear, he said no Tyson would never play his idol on anyone but himself. Nicole voiced to Renier that it was too easy and Tyson could play his idol, yet they still didn’t consider any other move.
- Santoni voted Marisha in the end so no vote split would have helped. That’s why honestly they should have voted for Santoni. You can think she flipped all you want but if she hasn’t you are putting them at a 6-5 disadvantage and Anesu would 100% really be on their side after that.
- Marisha gave her coat to Nicole and said “give this to someone yeah?” and Shaun turned to the Vuna’s and said “and that’s who you voted out?”. Like yeah bro, the super nice mother of two who is built like an ox and friends with everyone? that’s a good decision.
- Marisha was way too comfortable going into this merge. She is a huge physical threat, probably the biggest one on that side. She had two close allies in Nicole and Amy and was tight with the guys too. She was a huge threat and although I don’t think the OG Zamba’s will fall apart without her, I don’t think there is any jenga piece player there to remove, and due to that it’s a great person to target.
- Anesu and Santoni get mad props for this one. They managed to pull off a simple but effective blindeside and take power in the game.
- We go into the nest episode with no advantages and no idols in play.

Kemper Boyd became a fan of Survivor after watching Cook Islands because of all the press about the theme, she managed to watch every season by the start of Fiji and has been watching and rewatching ever since.
Favourite seasons: HvV, Pearl Islands, Cook Islands, Micronesia and SJDS.
Favourite players: Sandra, Kim, Nat Anderson, Cirie, Parvarti and because she needs to pick a man, Yul.