Welcome back to coverage of the best Survivor series currently airing weekly. What a great season this has been, let’s hope it continues.
- In the recap we see that no one from old Vuna told Anesu about the clue despite literally everyone else knowing. Amy told her and I suspect this is the point she could slip, maybe taking Santoni with her.
- In the kind of beautiful editing that Survivor SA is known for Tyson tells us in confessional that he and Kiran are being seen as power players and that they are rock solid and nothing can break them, as he tells us that we are also shown Anesu, Nicole and Amy talking on the beach and Anesu saying she feels like a blindside should happen, either Tyson or Kiran.
- Anesu and Chappies then talk about letting Nicole or Renier win immunity, someone from OG Zamba finds the idol and they can blindside Kiran or Tyson with no blood on their hands. This is the Anesu I was hoping to see when we saw her in the crux of every OG Vuna alliance pre-swap.
- TWIST TIME. Renier reads the rhyme, now everyone is being paired up and their fates are enmeshed. It’s a random draw. Santoni and Chappies, Tyson and Wardah, Anesu and Kiran, Renier and Amy and Smash and Nicole.
- The pairings are super interesting as only Anesu getting Kiran stops any blindside targets being targets. If Vuna stick together they could take out Nicole and Smash, a brain and a brawn, if Anesu and Chappies filp they could knock out Wardah and Tyson. Or if Zamba get an idol they could theoretcially take out physical threat Chappies and insane wildcard Santoni. Winning immunity need is suddenly insane, if one alliance wins, they can send the other to Immunity Island, fuck getting the idol and just get 4 sets of immunity.
- I would like to admit at this point I realised have confused Amy and Nicole for the entire season. I knew the less skinny faced one seemed to be playing a really good quiet social game, I just had the wrong name, so apologies for all my previous recaps.
- Also the South African habit of saying things are “hectic” as slang finally really pays off because Nicole is right, this is hectic.
- Santoni tells Amy she thinks that the next chance they should get rid of Renier and Nicole but Amy is paired with Renier, I am confused. Ahh she means after this vote. Santoni promised Amy that after Shaun it would be her choices and she is annoyed she was lied to.
- Amy then speaks to Smash and Nicole about somehow voting out Santoni and Chappies. Tyson, Kiran and Wardah also want to get rid of her the moment they mathematically can which honestly is final 6.
- I loved the joint confessionals knowing Anesu is planning on turning on Kiran.
- Immunity Challenge is foot on a balance beam to balance to hold up a pot. BUT after Immunity is won no one is going to Immunity Island as 4 people immune would frankly be insane. The winner gets to go a water park and have a play, a wash and a feed.
- Nicole wins immunity and they take Renier and Amy, which was a mistake Renier calls out in confessional.
- I really think for Anesu it makes sense to vote out Renier and Amy, even though I like Amy too much to want to see it.
- Gratuitious washing scenes.
- Tyson having previously caught crabs, finds eggs from the escaped chickens. The Vuna OG get to discuss and decide to vote out Renier.
- Smash comes back and tries to start on Kiran to vote out Santoni and Chappies. He says “you’ll still have the numbers” but it will be 4-4. Smash promises that he would vote for whoever they say next
- Anesu goes to talk to Amy and says she wants them to stay strong and that she will chat with Chappies. Chappies thinks it doesn’t make sense currently. Anesu shares with Chappies that she has the Tribal Council pass. Theoretically they could take it to 4-4 (Kiran will have to come back to them) and then they could cancel one of the opposition votes and win 4-3.
- Amy works on Chappies that he is dispensible to the three musketeers. She is very annoyed that her alliance are not helping her at all and she will have the dirty hands.
- Amy then works on Santoni.
- The Three Musketeers offer Smash a deal and he immediately goes to Chappies and tells him, he uses the excellent buzzwords of arrogance like Marisha. And now it’s game on Anesu, Chappies and Santoni are unhappy.
- Chappies promises to save Renier’s life and Renier promises to be loyal to Chappies for the rest of the game.
- Yikes, Juror Marisha is very very attractive, Shaun shouldn’t have shaved.
- At Tribal Amy sells some good lines about being at the bottom of an alliance and making moves to make sure you don’t remain at the bottom. Wardah argues as she always does. Chappies says that it’s getting mundane and it’s the same nothing answers and it’s boring, I agree Chappies. He wants to just vote.
- Renier tells Anesu and Kiran he has the Osandile idol and will blindside them, unless they want to vote with him for Chappies. Santoni asks to see it, Wardah tells Santoni he’s lying and Santoni knows, he then says “I don’t have to prove anything to you”. Kiran says he would have to see it, Renier brings out what looks like the bag the rocks were in earlier and begins to hand it to Kiran but says “you’re a poker play, do you want to bet your life in the game”.
- Renier then goes, doesn’t play the idol but makes a speech and honestly I think he makes himself look a fool in front of the jury.
- Renier gets voted out and Amy goes with him, which is a shame I really liked her.
- Now to Renier’s move. It was pure trash. It was aggressive, the way he spoke to Santoni and Chappies made it impossible for them to flip. We are at a point now in Survivor where if you absolutely have an idol you don’t make a scene, a man with an idol does not make an offer to Kiran, a man with an idol stays silent and votes out who he wants. The only way a player uses an idol to change the vote is by showing it.
- I fully disagree with Renier that he was in a perfect position in the game, I think Amy was and got totally screwed.
- I did not like tied destinies, especially as it shook out with alliances but I guess producers thought maybe you’d get like Tyson and Renier and people might be willing to blindside one of their own.
Kemper Boyd became a fan of Survivor after watching Cook Islands because of all the press about the theme, she managed to watch every season by the start of Fiji and has been watching and rewatching ever since.
Favourite seasons: HvV, Pearl Islands, Cook Islands, Micronesia and SJDS.
Favourite players: Sandra, Kim, Nat Anderson, Cirie, Parvarti and because she needs to pick a man, Yul.