Now that we’ve seen these contestants in action, I’m sure our predictions will be based on something more than stereotypes and conjecture, right? Right?
Andy: Like the first few weeks of an NFL Eliminator pool, there’s no need to get fancy with early season predictions. It certainly looks like the idea of forming an obvious alliance of 2-3 people wasn’t gonna go well for the TriForce, nor will a potential showmance between Figgy and Taylor. Women are usually the ones punished for such behaviour on Survivor, so if the Millennials go to Tribal Council, look for Figgy to go home.
Meanwhile, the previews suggest a serious medical situation for a dude, possibly even heart attack-like. Stereotyping makes Paul the most likely candidate, and how could a stereotype ever be wrong?
John: If they lose this week, Gen X does the slacker thing and expends as little effort as possible in determining a target: CeCe was on an island last week, she gets voted off the island this week.
If the youths lose, the two most likely candidates to be sent home are the husband-seeking Figgy and dragon truther Michelle. On the podcast, I said it would be Michelle. But with more time to think about it, I’ll say that Figgy gets the boot for being the object of a man’s (or the men’s) affections. If Figgy does end up as the second boot, I encourage you (as I’m sure she will) not to just remember her as a pretty face.
Matt: If Gen X, I think CeCe goes home if there is a vote. David’s story feels like something that is bigger than two episodes, while Cece did get votes and they could just use that for another quick boot episode. If there is an evac though, I’ll say its Bret; only because Paul seems too obvious.
If Millennials, I’ll say Figgy. She seems to be the one in the worst position on that minority alliance and I do believe it is a minority alliance. I think Michelle will jump ship and the floaters will be against them and they’ll keep Taylor and Jay for their strength.
(Boring predictions I know).
Mark: Unless Jessica turns into a horror movie character or Paul dies on the beach (which, the show is still airing, so no), CeCe is the lowest person on the totem pole. She’ll be unceremoniously voted out if Gen-X loses again. But if the Millennials skip the challenge in order to go skinny dipping and vote someone out, the Misfit alliance shall rise from the basement of Fiji High to take out the popular girl, Figgy. It’s too early to lose your muscle, but that Triforce needs to be broken up, and who better to save Hyrule than gamer girl Mari.
Emma: Let’s not beat around the bush: CeCe is clearly on the outs with Gen-X, so it’ll probably be her. She’s the only one left who voted the wrong way, and are the old folks really going to miss an opportunity to exclude a minority woman?
On the other side, this Triforce thing is already risky, but the apparent showmance between Taylor and Figgy is going to keep everyone on their toes. As much as I’d like to keep predicting Michelle, I think it’s going to be one of the lovebirds. Taylor may be obnoxious, but he’s also pliable and dumb, while Figgy seems to have a better head on her shoulders. If she can’t make the other girls feel like she’ll work with him, she’ll be the one they cut loose.
Make your picks below and don’t be afraid to give your explanation in the comments.
If someone goes home from the Millennials, who will it be?
- Figgy (63% Votes)
- Michelle (14% Votes)
- Taylor (10% Votes)
- Jay (6% Votes)
- Hannah (2% Votes)
- Mari (2% Votes)
- Michaela (2% Votes)
- Will (2% Votes)
- Adam (0% Votes)
- Zeke (0% Votes)
Total Voters: 51

If someone goes home from Gen X, who will it be?
- CeCe (55% Votes)
- Paul (24% Votes)
- David (10% Votes)
- Bret (4% Votes)
- Chris (2% Votes)
- Jessica (2% Votes)
- Sunday (2% Votes)
- Ken (0% Votes)
- Lucy (0% Votes)
Total Voters: 49

Co-host of the Purple Rock Survivor Podcast and the Canadian of the group, Andy has been watching Survivor continuously since the very beginning and likes to treat that as some kind of virtue to lord over others.
Favourite seasons: Heroes vs Villains, Cagayan, Cook Islands, Palau, Winners at War
Favourite players: Boston Rob, Kim Spradlin, Tony Vlachos, Sandra Diaz-Twine, Yul Kwon, Rob Cesternino
Pronouns: He/him