Now that we notice it, there really ARE a lot of people left in this game, huh? They probably should’ve done something about that, tbh.
Next Boot Predictions
Andy: I think Jay has one more immunity win in him, and Hannah will yet again refuse to vote out David, sending Bret home instead. But Jay only has one more immunity in him. People won’t forget to vote him out then. Adam fails to win the final immunity, and is sent home in a 3-1 vote. Hannah gets pilloried by the final jury, finishing third with zero votes. Ken gets Jessica’s vote; maybe Taylor’s. The jury of superfans leans toward the superfan David as someone who made the requisite Big MovesTM to win the season.
John: 6th: Jay – But first in our hearts, though. (Not first in our pants, of course. That’s still Ken).
5th: Bret – Gonna drink all the booze at Ponderosa, though.
4th: David– Tremendous growth this season that still didn’t lead to a win. The lesson here? Never try.
3rd: Hannah – I would bet money that in any iteration, Hannah is third. Unless she ties for second because second and third get no votes at final tribal.
2nd: Ken – He’s pretty. He’ll land on his feet.
Winner: Adam – We all want to root for an underdog inspirational story, like the one where I beat Matt in predictions.
Matt: Bret goes first because Jay wins immunity and Hannah isn’t flipping on David. Then Jay goes at 5, maybe Ken’s advantage gives him a leg up in the challenge, but either way he regrets playing the idol at 7. Finally Adam goes at 4. Hannah gets killed by the jury and comes in at third. Ken gets killed by the jury but to a lesser extent than Hannah and gets one vote. And David gets the begrudging praise and wins going away.
Mark: I’m going to spend as much time on the finale boot order as the show will, because we have a lot of people to get through.
6. Bret — Jay wins immunity, David makes a fake idol, everyone panics and votes off the easy target.
5. Jay — Guess who didn’t win immunity? Bye, bud.
4. Adam — For being too much of a threat. Doubt Hannah takes a fire bullet for him, and at this point it’s too late to vote off Dave.
3. Hannah — What? Huh? Mind blown. Exaggerated hand gestures.
2. Ken — I’m going to guess he wins the final immunity.
1. David is the winner. Sorry, Sharculese.
Emma: Okay so I’ve been very conflicting trying to decide what might happen for the end game of this season. I’m probably wrong, but I’m just gonna take a big swing.
6th place – The only really simple one. It’ll be Bret, probably because Jay wins immunity and it’s really important to Hannah to lose to David for some reason, and Adam doesn’t want to go to rocks.
5th place – Jay loses immunity and is voted off and I am sad about it.
4th place – Adam wins immunity and is safe. Because Ken is loyal, he won’t vote for David, so Hannah and David hilariously go to a fire-making challenge. Hannah loses.
3rd place – Ken maybe gets Jessica’s vote, but she also may vote for…
2nd place – David, who will get a couple votes. But it turns out Jay will have a huge impact on the jury, which results in a win for…
Winner: Adam. And then we all cry through the entire reunion because it’s the most devastating yet triumphant story of our modern times.
Make your picks below and don’t be afraid to give your explanation in the comments. Also, not that it should influence you or anything, but you readers need to make up a 2 point deficit to tie Matt.
Who will finish six on Survivor MvGX?
- Bret (61% Votes)
- Jay (28% Votes)
- David (8% Votes)
- Adam (3% Votes)
- Ken (1% Votes)
- Hannah (0% Votes)
Total Voters: 80

Who will finish fifth on Survivor MvGX?
- Jay (45% Votes)
- Bret (27% Votes)
- Adam (12% Votes)
- David (9% Votes)
- Ken (4% Votes)
- Hannah (3% Votes)
Total Voters: 75

Who will finish fourth on Survivor MvGX?
- Adam (55% Votes)
- David (14% Votes)
- Jay (11% Votes)
- Bret (7% Votes)
- Hannah (7% Votes)
- Ken (7% Votes)
Total Voters: 76

Who will finish third on Survivor MvGX?
- Hannah (78% Votes)
- Ken (17% Votes)
- Bret (4% Votes)
- No one (1% Votes)
- Adam (0% Votes)
- David (0% Votes)
- Jay (0% Votes)
Total Voters: 76

Who will finish second on Survivor MvGX?
- Ken (63% Votes)
- Adam (12% Votes)
- David (12% Votes)
- Hannah (8% Votes)
- Jay (4% Votes)
- Bret (1% Votes)
Total Voters: 76

Who will win Survivor Millennials vs Gen X? (Final poll)
- David (52% Votes)
- Adam (22% Votes)
- Jay (15% Votes)
- Ken (6% Votes)
- Hannah (4% Votes)
- Bret (1% Votes)
Total Voters: 82

Co-host of the Purple Rock Survivor Podcast and the Canadian of the group, Andy has been watching Survivor continuously since the very beginning and likes to treat that as some kind of virtue to lord over others.
Favourite seasons: Heroes vs Villains, Cagayan, Cook Islands, Palau, Winners at War
Favourite players: Boston Rob, Kim Spradlin, Tony Vlachos, Sandra Diaz-Twine, Yul Kwon, Rob Cesternino
Pronouns: He/him