Hey now, hey now let’s dream it’s over.
Staff Predictions
With the sudden departure of his final three partner, Tommy will be looking for a new alliance to carry him to the end. Luckily, he still has bro number… I dunno, five, in Dean. But that’s not enough. Tommy will need his mommy to help take out the person he sees as his biggest threat in the game: Lauren. Sadly, this backfires on him when Dean wins the final four immunity and takes Noura to the end, putting Big Red up against the woman who introduced herself to Survivor audiences by making fire without a flint and Tommy goes home at four. Dean and Noura tie for second place with no votes each. And what’s that? Janet wins the season?!? We’ll spend the offseason wondering how this could possibly be until we realize that maybe, just maybe, all those times the show told us that Janet was going to win the season was somehow a winner’s edit?
Final Five: Janet and Lauren. Tommy and Dean. And Noura is on the outside looking in. Except that each pair will want to pick off someone from the other pair, making Noura the swing vote. And since Noura hates Dean, this basically comes down to which person I think is more likely to win Immu–Dean.
Final Four: Tommy will win Immunity again and decide to take Noura because while you can quibble about whether he is boring or too pale or whatnot, but Tommy’s not a fucking idiot. I think I’ve seen Janet make fire while I am unsure about Lauren. Let’s say that Janet sits in the purple seat and benefits from the Orange Seat Curse. Lauren.
FTC: Noura is third (with no votes?). Janet (unfortunately) places second. Obvious Winner Tommy is obvious.
This seems like one of the more obvious finales we’ve ever had. Maybe some details will be different, but I think this will be the gist for everyone, unless we have some optimists.
5th place: Janet will play her idol, which will be nullified by Dean and she will be voted out. We will be disappointed but not surprised.
4th place: Lauren and Tommy will have to make fire. Lauren will lose.
Tied for second: Neither Dean nor Noura will receive votes.
Winner: Tommy. Yawn.
I didn’t see last week’s episode, but I don’t know that it would matter anyway.
Lauren goes home in 5th place, turned on by her sidekick. Dean loses a fire challenge to Janet, leaving us with a final three of Noura, Janet, and Tommy. Tommy gets all but three votes, with Janet getting those three.
My original plan was to predict: Dan, Dan, Dan loses fire to a woman, Dan, Noura, Tommy. But somebody had to get handsy, so I have to put work into this. (Fucking scumbag.) Here goes nothing…
5: Dean still tries to play his legacy advantage, gets clowned, uses the nullifier as a backup plan on Janet’s idol. But Tommy realizes Dean is a threat! And Dean goes home.
4: Noura wins immunity and takes…I don’t know. Lauren? Because girl power. Janet loses fire to Tommy.
3: Lauren, who made the moves, but forgot to show her work. Zero credit.
2: Fuck it, Tommy.
1: Noura because that is the batshit ending this tire fire deserves.
5: We know Janet has an idol, we know Dean has an idol nullifier. And both of these things are known to Tommy. So Janet will try and play her idol and Tommy will advise Dean to block it. Then the only question becomes can they round up a third vote for Janet. And unfortunately I think the answer is yes. Janet goes home.
4: It was said bluntly on the show, but Lauren is going to have to make fire, and I don’t think she is going to win it. Lauren goes home.
3: The real question here is whether Dean and Noura each get 0 votes or if one of them can siphon off a Tommy vote. I say someone rewards the idol nullifier leaving Noura here.
2: Dean gets one vote putting him in 2nd.
1: Tommy wins (duh).
Your Turn

Co-host of the Purple Rock Survivor Podcast and the Canadian of the group, Andy has been watching Survivor continuously since the very beginning and likes to treat that as some kind of virtue to lord over others.
Favourite seasons: Heroes vs Villains, Cagayan, Cook Islands, Palau, Winners at War
Favourite players: Boston Rob, Kim Spradlin, Tony Vlachos, Sandra Diaz-Twine, Yul Kwon, Rob Cesternino
Pronouns: He/him