Survivor Heroes vs Healers vs Hustlers Week Nine Predictions

The presumed Pagonging is preventing this from being a particularly sexy feature this week. Let’s get it over with.

(Let’s Get It Over With: the name of your sex tape).


Reader Predictions

Who do you think will go home?

Who will be the ninth boot of Survivor: HHH?

  • Joe (40% Votes)
  • Cole (34% Votes)
  • Ben (9% Votes)
  • Ashley (5% Votes)
  • Lauren (5% Votes)
  • JP (4% Votes)
  • Chrissy (1% Votes)
  • Ryan (1% Votes)
  • Devon (0% Votes)
  • Mike (0% Votes)

Total Voters: 77

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Staff Predictions


It’s possibly that I’ve been saying Joe since the season started. At this point, I’d feel stupid if I missed the week he actually goes home. Also, I really don’t think it’s Cole.


I’m not going to try to get cute with this prediction. Until the season starts doing unexpected things, I’m gonna predict the expected thing: Cole goes home.


Since this group tends to not know how to handle idols and split votes and the preview shows Devon finding out about Ryan’s idol… from Ben, I’m going to say they attempt something weird and complicated that blows up in the majority’s face. Who goes home because of it? *spins wheel* Uh sure, JP.


Remember last week? Well since I got ambitious, I decided I would keep rolling the rest of the prediction forward until I miss. So this week is Joe who I said would go after Desi, and who has been neutered now that they have actual vote split numbers rather than the fake numbers they had last week. Also, maybe Mike and Cole cut a deal that Joe would go first for their votes. And because of that deal, they will then use Cole winning a timely immunity to oust Devon or JP, who will be followed by Ashley, and then whomever remains of Devon/JP. Finally they’ll turn back and eliminate Cole in 6th, Mike in 5th and final four is Ryan, Ben, Chrissy and Lauren.

Bank it.


Prediction: Joe. Please? I mean, I have to be right one of these days.

Andy John Emma
Matt Mark Readers
First Out Katrina Chrissy Katrina Katrina Katrina Katrina
Second Out Simone Patrick Lauren Ali Lauren Lauren
Third Out Lauren Lauren Patrick Patrick Lauren Lauren
Fourth Out Joe Jessica Joe Joe Cole Joe
Fifth Out Roark Roark Roark Roark Roark Roark
Sixth Out Ali JP JP Ali Chrissy Ali
Seventh Out Cole JP Desi Cole Cole Cole
Eighth Out Joe Joe Desi Desi Joe
Ninth Boot Joe Cole JP Joe Joe