Another week, another shakeup. The one place there is no shake-up? The standings on this here weekly feature, where me and John’s bang on preseason prediction still keeps us on top.
Staff Predictions
I swear I’m not just doing the thing where I keep picking one person until they go. Nope, this week I’m picking Bradley because it would be poetic if he suddenly found himself down in numbers at another swap and the other side wouldn’t give him the time of day. That would be a good story. So maybe it’ll happen?
I dunno, John keeps picking Chris Noble and hasn’t responded to my request to make a new one, so I’m just gonna guess here.
Given what little information we have, I see no reason to not predict Bradley.
CHRIS NOBLE. Let us all gather around and mourn the loss of our favorite Chris Noble. Truly Chris Noble was too bright a light to last. He burned fast and bright, but now he is gone. Who else will talk about how great Chris Noble is now that he is gone? Who else will rap during their confessionals? Who else will throw the old rock around? No one. Because we have lost Chris Noble. We are bereft of Chris Noble. Chris Noble is gone, never to return, only to be mourned. Goodnight sweet prince. (Editor’s note: this better work you son of a bitch).
Not like logic has helped me at all this season, but with the tribe swap, it’s going to be chaotic. Laurel, Don, and Michael seem to have the best potential to survive from their Malololow points. I’ll say that Invisi-Libby gets on the wrong side of the tribe allegiance divide and has to be sacrificed. She had one good episode and seems to be a challenge liability, so why not?
You got one chance to make up the gulf between first and last. Don’t waste it.
Your Turn
Time for you to make your picks.
Who will be the sixth boot from Ghost Island?
- Bradley (32% Votes)
- Chris Noble (13% Votes)
- Angela (11% Votes)
- Chelsea (8% Votes)
- Desiree (8% Votes)
- Libby (7% Votes)
- Domenick (5% Votes)
- Kellyn (5% Votes)
- James (4% Votes)
- Jenna (3% Votes)
- Wendell (3% Votes)
- Donathan (1% Votes)
- Michael (1% Votes)
- Laurel (0% Votes)
- Sebastian (0% Votes)
Total Voters: 76

Co-host of the Purple Rock Survivor Podcast and the Canadian of the group, Andy has been watching Survivor continuously since the very beginning and likes to treat that as some kind of virtue to lord over others.
Favourite seasons: Heroes vs Villains, Cagayan, Cook Islands, Palau, Winners at War
Favourite players: Boston Rob, Kim Spradlin, Tony Vlachos, Sandra Diaz-Twine, Yul Kwon, Rob Cesternino
Pronouns: He/him