Survivor Ghost Island Predictions Results

I may as well tally up the predictions results to see who won this season. Even though literally nobody has asked in the past week.

The Results



Andy John Emma
Matt Mark
20th Place Stephanie Stephanie Stephanie Laurel James Stephanie
18th Place Libby Desiree Jenna Angela Chris Angela
17th Place Bradley Jenna Bradley Bradley Bradley Bradley
16th Place Bradley Jenna Jenna Jenna Jenna Jenna
15th Place Bradley Chris Noble Bradley Chris Noble Libby Bradley
14th Place Libby Libby Libby Libby Bradley Libby
13th Place Kellyn Chelsea Chris Noble Chris Noble Chris Chris Noble
12th Place Libby Libby Libby Libby Libby Libby
11th Place Michael Domenick Desiree Jenna Michael Michael
10th Place Jenna Domenick Kellyn Jenna Jenna Jenna
9th Place Angela Michael Angela Michael Sebastian Kellyn
8th Place Kellyn Kellyn Wendell Kellyn Kellyn Kellyn
7th Place Kellyn Kellyn Donathan Kellyn Sebastian Kellyn
6th Place Donathan Donathan Donathan Donathan Sebastian Donathan
5th Place Sebastian Angela Angela Angela Donathan Sebastian
4th Place Angela Wendell Domenick Domenick Angela Angela
3rd Place Laurel Laurel Laurel Laurel Laurel Laurel
Runner-up Wendell Sebastian Sebastian Sebastian Domenick Wendell
Winner Domenick Domenick Wendell Wendell Wendell Domenick

Uh…. holy shit Mark! Not only did he sweep the finale, he also had this:


6. Sebastian plays his advantage wrong after using his torch as a bong.

5. Donathan tries one more time to take out Dom and Wendell. Laurel makes a move at last, but Angela flips and takes him out first.

4. Whoever Angela goes up against in the fire challenge wins because no gross food is involved.

3. Laurel. Duh.

2. There’s a new commercial that’s either the usual hype or harbinger of a tie. I still think this will be a close vote, with Domenick losing to…

1. Wendell by a single vote, no matter how that shakes out.


So… banned for obvious spoilers, right? I think we can all agree on this.