Time to predict the outcomes of the next episode of Survivor: Game Changers.
Boot Predictions
Andy: The remaining members of the former strong six will be pretty worried after being completely blindsided last week. Then Andrea will come up to some of them to get rid of Zeke. And Zeke will come up to some of them to get rid of Andrea (not necessarily in that order), and they won’t believe their good fortune. Since the plan last week was to get rid of Andrea, there’s no reason not to let that happen this week.

John: President Sarah is a bit of a flip-flopper, and as much as we’d like her to stick with the Alliance of Greatness and Hope, she surely recognizes that the other side is the crew to ride to the end with for an easy victory. But this week, she has it easy- almost everyone will be fine with voting out Andrea. So that’s what will happen.
Emma: I might as well keep predicting Andrea until she no longer seems in danger, as I don’t see anyone besides Cirie thinking it’s worth keeping her around, and I also don’t think Andrea is a hill Cirie is willing to die on.
Mark: I’d say the Zeke/Andrea thing will pay off soon, but they need each other right now. So with everything up in the air, I see two targets. Either Team Meh targets the Rebels and takes out Michaela because of racism her attitude, or the Rebels succeed and vote out “leader” Sierra, who is clearly getting way too big of a head to match her stature. (One caveat: that side has several idols and knows they’re down in numbers unless Sarah can pull a Natalie.) Still, I have to be hopeful here. Maybe Tai holds onto his idols once again and Sierra goes home. Please?
Matt: I kinda want to construct the scenario where Sierra goes home because of her big ego. Like maybe the Andrea-Zeke cold war goes hot, only instead of a straight flip back to the remnants of the Debbie alliance there is a breakup where Sierra goes to Andrea thinking to save herself, only now she is on the wrong side of number with Brad-Tai-Troy-Sarah-Zeke against her side and she gets booted. That would be delightful and a great post-merge fall of the arrogant edit. Sadly though, I think the Andrea-Zeke cold war goes hot and the most logical thing happens, which is that Andrea goes home. sigh. I will miss Andrea.
*Reminder: Scores from the seventh episode do not count due to spoilers.
Time to make your picks. And feel free to track how your personal picks do throughout the year. I won’t make mention of it or anything, but you can still feel good about it.
Who will be the eleventh boot from Survivor: Game Changers?
- Andrea (32% Votes)
- Zeke (29% Votes)
- Sierra Dawn Thomas (20% Votes)
- Aubry (6% Votes)
- Brad Culpepper (3% Votes)
- Cirie (3% Votes)
- Michaela (3% Votes)
- Sarah (3% Votes)
- Troy (3% Votes)
- Tai (0% Votes)
Total Voters: 79


Co-host of the Purple Rock Survivor Podcast and the Canadian of the group, Andy has been watching Survivor continuously since the very beginning and likes to treat that as some kind of virtue to lord over others.
Favourite seasons: Heroes vs Villains, Cagayan, Cook Islands, Palau, Winners at War
Favourite players: Boston Rob, Kim Spradlin, Tony Vlachos, Sandra Diaz-Twine, Yul Kwon, Rob Cesternino
Pronouns: He/him