We’ve gotten past the merge of Survivor: Game Changers and it’s time to predict how the game will take shape.
Spare some pity for Mark this week, who correctly predicted last week’s two boots, but in the wrong order. Womp, womp. Ah well, that’s what he gets for basing his prediction on the show not wanting to give Ozzy challenges he excels at (cut to: a challenge Ozzy has won twice). If only he could’ve done like you all, and predicted Ozzy in both spots.
Boot Predictions
Andy: Now that the lines in the sand have been clearly drawn, it’s time for Brad & Sierra’s side to strengthen their numbers. Cirie and Andrea have set themselves up as the biggest opposition, provided that Sierra and Debbie ever decide to believe what Zeke told them last week. Of the two, Andrea has been the tougher challenge competitor and has yet to prove she can remain chill when the game goes sideways on her. I trust Cirie’s ability to work her way out of this situation more than Andrea’s (frankly, I wouldn’t be shocked if she gets Zeke out before she goes home).
John: I’ve resigned myself to this season not letting me have nice things. The only question is how long I’ll get to keep the few nice things that are left. After getting a reminder of just how awesome Cirie can be last week, I think her story will come to an end this week. Unlike Andrea or Michaela, Cirie probably can’t hope for an immunity win to save her.
Emma: It’s never a great idea when the ally you turned on (even if they turned on you first) doesn’t go home. If voting Aubry was a test, Zeke passed and might be able to survive a few votes with Sierra. Which means Andrea and Cirie’s crew are even more outnumbered. Andrea is both the one most likely to blow up emotionally and be the bigger immunity threat, so I think Sierra agrees to cut her loose.
Mark: For as defining as Zeke has been on this season, both good and bad, I feel like he’s about to face the wrath of a tribe wary of his game and his word. This is a guy who plays hard and has one of the best FTC speeches ready to go. If the dominant alliance could vote him out (with Andrea) and delay the hard decision a bit more, wouldn’t you? Never play a post-post merge game post-merge, my friend.
Matt: Andrea, because she is the person who can least keep her cool and blows up at Zeke. This in turn makes her more of a target, as does her challenge prowess and the mere fact she is a three-time player. While Cirie might be more threatening socially, Andrea could go on a run, and will draw a target to herself because of Zeke.
*Reminder: Scores from the seventh episode do not count due to spoilers.
Time to make your picks. And feel free to track how your personal picks do throughout the year. I won’t make mention of it or anything, but you can still feel good about it.
Who will be the tenth boot from Survivor: Game Changers?
- Zeke (33% Votes)
- Andrea (28% Votes)
- Debbie (14% Votes)
- Cirie (8% Votes)
- Sierra Dawn Thomas (7% Votes)
- Michaela (4% Votes)
- Aubry (2% Votes)
- Brad Culpepper (2% Votes)
- Sarah (1% Votes)
- Tai (0% Votes)
- Troy (0% Votes)
Total Voters: 96


Co-host of the Purple Rock Survivor Podcast and the Canadian of the group, Andy has been watching Survivor continuously since the very beginning and likes to treat that as some kind of virtue to lord over others.
Favourite seasons: Heroes vs Villains, Cagayan, Cook Islands, Palau, Winners at War
Favourite players: Boston Rob, Kim Spradlin, Tony Vlachos, Sandra Diaz-Twine, Yul Kwon, Rob Cesternino
Pronouns: He/him