Big week for changes to predictions in Survivor: Game Changers. We’re really stepping out here.
Boot Predictions
Andy: With immunity on her side, Andrea pushed her advantage to get out the guy who was coming to get her this week. That’s good! In doing so, she empowered the people who were coming to get her the week before last. That’s bad! Andrea and Zeke will have plenty of time to discuss how they probably should’ve done a better job communicating with each other at the merge.
John: Hey, remember everything I said last week? That. It’s Andrea.
emma [9:50 PM]
I suppose I can’t say, “Whatever, Andrea“?
andy [9:52 PM]
It’s up to you.
emma [10:07 PM]
But it’d be frowned upon.
Matt: If at first you don’t succeed, predict Andrea again and again and again. I mean either it happens eventually or my winner pick is right, so… let’s do it one more time, and if it doesn’t work out, I’ll do it two more times, or three more times or however many more times I need.
Mark: Looking at my post-merge predictions, I keep predicting everyone a week early. So what’s the harm in saying Sierra twice and hoping for a win? If Sarah sticks with Team Andrea, they have the numbers to pick off one of the Boredom Bunch. If Tai flips after that vote, and Sarah doesn’t, they can still target Sierra. Basically, I get this right or go back to predicting Andrea every week like the rest of these guys.
*Reminder: Scores from the seventh episode do not count due to spoilers.
Time to make your picks. And feel free to track how your personal picks do throughout the year. I won’t make mention of it or anything, but you can still feel good about it.
Who will be the twelfth boot from Survivor: Game Changers?
- Andrea (39% Votes)
- Sierra Dawn Thomas (35% Votes)
- Aubry (9% Votes)
- Brad Culpepper (5% Votes)
- Tai (5% Votes)
- Cirie (4% Votes)
- Troy (2% Votes)
- Michaela (1% Votes)
- Sarah (0% Votes)
Total Voters: 86


Co-host of the Purple Rock Survivor Podcast and the Canadian of the group, Andy has been watching Survivor continuously since the very beginning and likes to treat that as some kind of virtue to lord over others.
Favourite seasons: Heroes vs Villains, Cagayan, Cook Islands, Palau, Winners at War
Favourite players: Boston Rob, Kim Spradlin, Tony Vlachos, Sandra Diaz-Twine, Yul Kwon, Rob Cesternino
Pronouns: He/him