Survivor Fantasy League Scoreboard- Survivor 47 week 8

Rock draws- still as consequential and influential as ever. Someone should name a Survivor podcast after them.

Sierra leaves with an acceptable and nondescript 19 points. Appropriate.

Individual scoring table

Idol find: 3 points to Rachel

Individual immunity: 4 points to Kyle and Sue

VTEP points: 2 points to everyone except Sam, Sierra, and Rachel

Pick-4 League

Team Generic Whites loses one of those standard-issue whites this week, but still jumps into first place. But sitting just behind them in second this week is my bestie Fransesqua! It’s a Fucking Stick, The Ladder, and Bassmanxvi are all in the top five. And the commentariat in general fared very well this week, because the top 20 also includes Maritimer, Diego Armando, Dog in a Bowl, The For Real Deal, and anaphor. Leather Daddy Foghorn Leghorn, the people’s champion, holds strong at 26th.

Champions League:

Prom King jumps to an even larger lead this week, expanding the lead to ten points. Stick to the Plan is tied with DJ Cambodia for second place, but now DJ Cambodia has lost Sierra. Kristanxmarie is inexplicably in fourth place because Sue is somehow the second-highest scoring player this season? That’s a real, actual thing that’s happening.

Pick 1
Pick 2
2Prom King63Kyle40Caroline23
3Stick to the Plan57Sam40Sol17
4DJ Cambodia45Andy26Sierra19
7Purple Rock Mark32Teeny26Kishan6
8Mike Hirsch29Gabe28Jon1

Other leagues

I was off doing real life and didn’t even get to watch the episode until about 12 hours ago, so I’m just going to throw this post up rather than indulging the other leagues this week.

If you would still like to make one of those leagues, you can do so now. You can find the pages for those leagues here (there are multiple tabs for these, depending on the size of the group).