Survivor Fantasy League Scoreboard- Survivor 44 week 1

If at first you don’t succeed at losing, try try again. Like Maddy!

If you happened to have Maddy on your team, now is the time to pick a new team! You have until the second episode begins airing (8 pm Eastern) to do so, whether you had Maddy or not. And I’ll occasionally be popping in to delete your old team if you pick a new one. If you need to select a new team, do so here: PRP Pick-4 fantasy Survivor

Individual scoring table

Reward points: 1 point to Claire, Danny, Frannie, Heidi, Josh, and Matt.

Immunity points: 3 points to Claire, Danny, Frannie, Heidi, Josh, and Matt. 2 points to Carolyn, Carson, Helen, Sarah, and Yam Yam.

Immunity idol find: 3 points to Brandon.

Successful idol play: 4 points to Brandon.

VTEP points: You’re not gonna believe this, but 1 point to Brandon. And just Brandon.

Pick-4 League

I don’t give any shout outs for the first week because the teams will be changing too much. Also changing: our fantasy league graphic. I just threw this one in here for nostalgia purposes.

Champions League:

For those of you who aren’t aware, Champions League is a draft-based league that pits the most successful fantasy players against each other.

Pick 1
Pick 2
1Ulong has to win eventually74Yam Yam40Heidi34
2Mike Hirsch61Danny30Frannie31
7True Alainer24Lauren24Bruce0
8Stick to the Plan19Matt17Helen2
9Jersey Luck16Maddy0Josh16

Condolences to Jersey Luck, who lost Maddy. Bigger condolences to True Alainer, who lost Bruce and managed to score zero points in the first week. If Lauren goes scoreless and gets voted out first next week, the legendary Bassman will be joined in zero-point infamy.

Next week you should get some actual content in this section.

Other leagues

Last season, Ainslee, Charles, and Sam had their time in the sun. This season I’d like to highlight the absolute madness that is a group of people just wholesale copying my spreadsheet pages to make their own league. I’m not even mad, I’m impress- actually, no, I’m not impressed. Because if you were better at this, you would know to just link to my scoring page and make me do the work for you. Come on, rookies! Anyway, I’m rooting for Tatum because on first glance I thought Tatum’s team name was “Holla at my tit”, and it made me laugh because I’m very juvenile. Good luck, Tatum!

Anyway, if you’d like to have your own mini-league like those three, you can still do small draft leagues amongst yourselves. You can find the pages for those leagues here (there are multiple tabs for these, depending on the size of the group): PRP fantasy leagues.