The fantasy standings are back in their rightful, lazy hands: mine. You know, a lot of people think Survivor bloggers are self-absorbed for some reason…
James was fairly popular, having been chosen by 65 teams. But not a lot of teams near the top of the standings had James, so this vote isn’t likely to lead to any major shakeups.
Individual scoring table
Immunity challenge: 3 points for the first place tribe (Chris Noble, Jenna, Laurel, Sebastian, Wendell), 2 points for the second place tribe (Bradley, Chelsea, Domenick, Donathan, Libby)
Everyone not named James gets 1 VTEP point for voting out James.
Pick-4 League
There’s a three-way (heh) tie for first place this week- longtime commenters Storm of Cuteness and Kent McK are tied with Black Rock for the top spot. And the rest of the top 25 is littered with other PRP regulars: Diego Armando, HectorTheWellEndowed, and Maritimer are all tied for eighth along with the trollfully-named TeamReddit.
Also on the first page of the standings and worthy of mention for their contributions to our community: AubrysWinnersEdit, Dubious Rob, EmAndScoutInBK, Estokai, Prom King, Crappy, SurvivorWerewolf, Dezbot, Assistant to the Palsy League Commissioner Prettyboyprobst, Sister of Icy Truth, and our very own Purple Rock Mark. A bunch of long-timers nearly missed the first page of the standings, but if you want a shout out from me, you have to earn it. Dig deep, y’all!
Team name (sorted by rank) | Team | |||||
Player 1 | Player 2 | Player 3 | Player 4 | |||
1 | Black Rock | 192 | Domenick-59 | Laurel-39 | Sebastian-33 | Wendell-61 |
2 | StormofCuteness | 190 | Angela-31 | Domenick-59 | Laurel-39 | Wendell-61 |
3 | Stick to the Plan | 182 | Domenick-59 | Kellyn-29 | Sebastian-33 | Wendell-61 |
4 | EvilRegals | 181 | Domenick-59 | Donathan-28 | Sebastian-33 | Wendell-61 |
5 | Boo, Gengar, Meg, Wellager (Diego Armando) | 177 | Domenick-59 | Donathan-28 | Kellyn-29 | Wendell-61 |
6 | Prom King | 176 | Domenick-59 | Kellyn-29 | Michael-27 | Wendell-61 |
6 | TeamReddit/s | 176 | Domenick-59 | Jenna-23 | Sebastian-33 | Wendell-61 |
8 | KentMcK | 171 | Chris-23 | Domenick-59 | Donathan-28 | Wendell-61 |
9 | Fucking Stick A Fork In It (prettyboyprobst) | 165 | Desiree-16 | Domenick-59 | Kellyn-29 | Wendell-61 |
10 | I wanna eat a ghost. (HectorTheWellEndowed) | 164 | Angela-31 | Laurel-39 | Sebastian-33 | Wendell-61 |
10 | Purple Rock Mark (Not Matt) | 164 | Domenick-59 | Laurel-39 | Stephanie J-5 | Wendell-61 |
12 | Plan Voodoo | 163 | Desiree-16 | Domenick-59 | Michael-27 | Wendell-61 |
12 | Survivor Central | 163 | Domenick-59 | Laurel-39 | Morgan-4 | Wendell-61 |
14 | TeamCrappy | 160 | Bradley-11 | Domenick-59 | Kellyn-29 | Wendell-61 |
15 | Estokai | 159 | Domenick-59 | James-10 | Kellyn-29 | Wendell-61 |
16 | nobag | 158 | Brendan-5 | Domenick-59 | Sebastian-33 | Wendell-61 |
16 | Shambo | 158 | Domenick-59 | Sebastian-33 | Stephanie J-5 | Wendell-61 |
18 | Jobevi | 155 | Angela-31 | Domenick-59 | Morgan-4 | Wendell-61 |
18 | SuperChicken55 | 155 | Domenick-59 | Donathan-28 | Kellyn-29 | Laurel-39 |
20 | andydavis1234 | 154 | Brendan-5 | Domenick-59 | Kellyn-29 | Wendell-61 |
20 | CazKaye | 154 | Brendan-5 | Domenick-59 | Kellyn-29 | Wendell-61 |
20 | EEK"S Survivor Crusaders (Ethan Kyle) | 154 | Chelsea-31 | Kellyn-29 | Sebastian-33 | Wendell-61 |
20 | Rygel's Raiders | 154 | Domenick-59 | Kellyn-29 | Stephanie J-5 | Wendell-61 |
24 | Banana Grub (email) | 153 | Domenick-59 | Donathan-28 | Stephanie J-5 | Wendell-61 |
24 | JerseyLuck ain't fraid of no ghosts (JerseyLuck) | 153 | Brendan-5 | Domenick-59 | Donathan-28 | Wendell-61 |
24 | Row 3, Column N (TheForRealDeal) | 153 | Domenick-59 | Kellyn-29 | Morgan-4 | Wendell-61 |
27 | orangealfy | 152 | Angela-31 | Domenick-59 | Jacob-1 | Wendell-61 |
27 | Simonica Edgarfunkel | 152 | Domenick-59 | Michael-27 | Stephanie J-5 | Wendell-61 |
27 | Team Corndog | 152 | Brendan-5 | Domenick-59 | Michael-27 | Wendell-61 |
30 | JBK | 151 | Domenick-59 | Michael-27 | Morgan-4 | Wendell-61 |
31 | Shooting Stars (@theelkspeaks on twitter) | 149 | Chelsea-31 | Donathan-28 | Kellyn-29 | Wendell-61 |
31 | Snsetblaze (formerly known as Alycia Swift) | 149 | Angela-31 | Donathan-28 | Kellyn-29 | Wendell-61 |
33 | JakeisKing | 148 | Domenick-59 | Jenna-23 | Stephanie J-5 | Wendell-61 |
34 | Dezbot's Bad Choices | 147 | Angela-31 | Desiree-16 | Laurel-39 | Wendell-61 |
34 | Maritimer | 147 | Laurel-39 | Libby-20 | Michael-27 | Wendell-61 |
36 | Dubious Rob | 142 | Angela-31 | Bradley-11 | Laurel-39 | Wendell-61 |
37 | Adli Hanif | 141 | Brendan-5 | Desiree-16 | Domenick-59 | Wendell-61 |
37 | EmAndScoutInBK | 141 | Desiree-16 | Domenick-59 | Laurel-39 | Michael-27 |
37 | Holding Hands in the Dark | 141 | Chelsea-31 | Chris-23 | Domenick-59 | Donathan-28 |
40 | Lira2012 | 140 | Desiree-16 | Domenick-59 | Morgan-4 | Wendell-61 |
41 | Icy Lie (Sister of Icy Truth) | 139 | Angela-31 | Desiree-16 | Domenick-59 | Sebastian-33 |
41 | Malz teamz | 139 | James-10 | Kellyn-29 | Laurel-39 | Wendell-61 |
43 | AubrysWinnersEdit | 138 | Donathan-28 | James-10 | Laurel-39 | Wendell-61 |
44 | An Ol’ Probst (i and 1) | 137 | Laurel-39 | Morgan-4 | Sebastian-33 | Wendell-61 |
45 | And Things Like That | 136 | Domenick-59 | Donathan-28 | James-10 | Laurel-39 |
45 | LoBevi | 136 | Bradley-11 | Brendan-5 | Domenick-59 | Wendell-61 |
45 | PurpleTally is Not A Staffer | 136 | Bradley-11 | Domenick-59 | Stephanie J-5 | Wendell-61 |
48 | JRUSS | 135 | Brendan-5 | Domenick-59 | James-10 | Wendell-61 |
49 | Erin Brockovich | 134 | Kellyn-29 | Laurel-39 | Stephanie J-5 | Wendell-61 |
49 | Team Benjamin Shever at twitter dot com | 134 | Brendan-5 | Kellyn-29 | Laurel-39 | Wendell-61 |
51 | GroundSpider | 133 | James-10 | Jenna-23 | Laurel-39 | Wendell-61 |
51 | macontosh2000 | 133 | Donathan-28 | Laurel-39 | Stephanie J-5 | Wendell-61 |
51 | Mjbevi | 133 | Desiree-16 | Jenna-23 | Sebastian-33 | Wendell-61 |
51 | Seanachaidh | 133 | Kellyn-29 | Laurel-39 | Morgan-4 | Wendell-61 |
55 | Ghost I-I-Island (mcquack) | 132 | Donathan-28 | Laurel-39 | Morgan-4 | Wendell-61 |
55 | Hornacek | 132 | Desiree-16 | Domenick-59 | Donathan-28 | Kellyn-29 |
55 | OUTGHOST | 132 | Brendan-5 | Laurel-39 | Michael-27 | Wendell-61 |
58 | Scupin's Stove (thestoveislit) | 130 | Brendan-5 | Domenick-59 | Stephanie J-5 | Wendell-61 |
59 | Balls and Poles(SurvivorWerewolf) | 129 | Domenick-59 | Jenna-23 | Libby-20 | Michael-27 |
59 | Ghost Busters (NearlyNina) | 129 | Domenick-59 | Morgan-4 | Stephanie J-5 | Wendell-61 |
61 | James Clement's Idol(Disqus : @kerenzadoxolodeo) | 128 | Laurel-39 | Michael-27 | Stephanie G-1 | Wendell-61 |
62 | Sassquatch | 127 | Jenna-23 | Laurel-39 | Morgan-4 | Wendell-61 |
63 | Blue Collar Part 2: Blue Myself (SirLiveAlot) | 126 | Angela-31 | Brendan-5 | Chelsea-31 | Domenick-59 |
63 | Bottom Five Baby! (Alkanarra) | 126 | Desiree-16 | James-10 | Laurel-39 | Wendell-61 |
63 | Dimijim | 126 | Bradley-11 | Domenick-59 | Kellyn-29 | Michael-27 |
63 | Kristanmarie | 126 | Donathan-28 | James-10 | Michael-27 | Wendell-61 |
63 | No Eyes in Blindfold | 126 | Chelsea-31 | Jenna-23 | Laurel-39 | Sebastian-33 |
63 | Spencer's team | 126 | Angela-31 | Kellyn-29 | Stephanie J-5 | Wendell-61 |
63 | Survivor: Spooky Reef | 126 | Michael-27 | Sebastian-33 | Stephanie J-5 | Wendell-61 |
70 | Bonerchamp | 125 | Domenick-59 | Donathan-28 | Sebastian-33 | Stephanie J-5 |
70 | dig doug | 125 | Chris-23 | Domenick-59 | Jenna-23 | Libby-20 |
70 | Leliruff | 125 | Laurel-39 | Libby-20 | Stephanie J-5 | Wendell-61 |
70 | survivor werewolfs team of ghosts | 125 | Domenick-59 | James-10 | Jenna-23 | Sebastian-33 |
70 | XL Pelican | 125 | Angela-31 | James-10 | Jenna-23 | Wendell-61 |
75 | Crom's League of Losers | 124 | Angela-31 | Domenick-59 | Sebastian-33 | Stephanie G-1 |
75 | I can see your periscope | 124 | Domenick-59 | Donathan-28 | Morgan-4 | Sebastian-33 |
75 | Ine | 124 | Bradley-11 | Jenna-23 | Kellyn-29 | Wendell-61 |
78 | Ad Astra (torchoflaw) | 123 | Chris-23 | James-10 | Kellyn-29 | Wendell-61 |
78 | Fransesqua | 123 | Angela-31 | Domenick-59 | Donathan-28 | Stephanie J-5 |
78 | LawyerAtLarge | 123 | James-10 | Jenna-23 | Kellyn-29 | Wendell-61 |
78 | Lets make fire! | 123 | Donathan-28 | Kellyn-29 | Stephanie J-5 | Wendell-61 |
78 | Snsetblaze (formerly Alycia Swift) | 123 | Donathan-28 | Kellyn-29 | Stephanie J-5 | Wendell-61 |
83 | bliig (@suhaib7995) | 122 | Angela-31 | Jenna-23 | Kellyn-29 | Laurel-39 |
83 | Team BigBoi (r/survivor is a cesspool) | 122 | Kellyn-29 | Michael-27 | Stephanie J-5 | Wendell-61 |
83 | The Mentalist | 122 | Chelsea-31 | Jacob-1 | Kellyn-29 | Wendell-61 |
86 | The Fucking Sticks (itsafuckingSTICK) | 121 | Domenick-59 | Donathan-28 | Kellyn-29 | Stephanie J-5 |
86 | forever1267 | 121 | Donathan-28 | Michael-27 | Stephanie J-5 | Wendell-61 |
86 | Quarter- and Midlife Crises (Fijian Banded Iguana) | 121 | Chris-23 | Domenick-59 | James-10 | Kellyn-29 |
89 | Penner vs. Probst (thebigEman) | 120 | Brendan-5 | Domenick-59 | Jenna-23 | Sebastian-33 |
89 | Zzbevi | 120 | Chelsea-31 | Chris-23 | Laurel-39 | Michael-27 |
91 | Not redhead Stock | 119 | Bradley-11 | Desiree-16 | Domenick-59 | Sebastian-33 |
92 | SkyFalcolm | 118 | Bradley-11 | Chris-23 | Jenna-23 | Wendell-61 |
92 | Will rant for money. | 118 | Chris-23 | Kellyn-29 | Stephanie J-5 | Wendell-61 |
94 | Taebevi | 117 | Chris-23 | James-10 | Jenna-23 | Wendell-61 |
95 | aj hiller | 116 | Jenna-23 | Michael-27 | Stephanie J-5 | Wendell-61 |
95 | Chawkse | 116 | Bradley-11 | Brendan-5 | Laurel-39 | Wendell-61 |
95 | Dupa Blada | 116 | Desiree-16 | Donathan-28 | Laurel-39 | Sebastian-33 |
95 | F***ing Stick | 116 | Bradley-11 | Laurel-39 | Stephanie J-5 | Wendell-61 |
95 | Fabiosadvocate | 116 | Chris-23 | Domenick-59 | Kellyn-29 | Stephanie J-5 |
95 | Ultimate Supreme Leader (Super duper fan) | 116 | Domenick-59 | Jenna-23 | Kellyn-29 | Stephanie J-5 |
101 | Boot Corp. (@ultlmates) | 115 | Kellyn-29 | Libby-20 | Stephanie J-5 | Wendell-61 |
101 | Ghost Black Sheep | 115 | Chelsea-31 | Donathan-28 | Kellyn-29 | Michael-27 |
101 | Rippert's Spooky Brazilian Butt Cheeks | 115 | Jenna-23 | Michael-27 | Morgan-4 | Wendell-61 |
104 | Stealth-R-Us | 114 | James-10 | Laurel-39 | Morgan-4 | Wendell-61 |
104 | TeamScarlett | 114 | Desiree-16 | James-10 | Michael-27 | Wendell-61 |
106 | Team Windell | 113 | Libby-20 | Michael-27 | Stephanie J-5 | Wendell-61 |
107 | chivafan30 (abraham lopez) | 111 | Bradley-11 | James-10 | Kellyn-29 | Wendell-61 |
107 | Danilos | 111 | Desiree-16 | Kellyn-29 | Stephanie J-5 | Wendell-61 |
107 | Random Luck | 111 | Angela-31 | Donathan-28 | Jenna-23 | Kellyn-29 |
107 | Team Ze (@zsetton) | 111 | Desiree-16 | Kellyn-29 | Laurel-39 | Michael-27 |
107 | Willy Wonka’s Oompa Lumpa | 111 | Brendan-5 | Desiree-16 | Kellyn-29 | Wendell-61 |
112 | Danos | 110 | Donathan-28 | Libby-20 | Stephanie G-1 | Wendell-61 |
112 | Ethan Kyles Survivor: Fighting Dreamers | 110 | Brendan-5 | Laurel-39 | Stephanie J-5 | Wendell-61 |
112 | Sago Palm | 110 | Desiree-16 | Kellyn-29 | Morgan-4 | Wendell-61 |
115 | Don't Eat The Sock Rice (kpwatershed) | 109 | Angela-31 | James-10 | Kellyn-29 | Laurel-39 |
115 | Probably who goes 3-6 | 109 | Bradley-11 | James-10 | Michael-27 | Wendell-61 |
115 | tooncesthecat88 | 109 | Laurel-39 | Morgan-4 | Stephanie J-5 | Wendell-61 |
118 | Eligible Team Name (FreshFromClintucky) | 108 | Brendan-5 | Domenick-59 | Laurel-39 | Stephanie J-5 |
118 | Scarlet Fever | 108 | Angela-31 | Bradley-11 | Laurel-39 | Michael-27 |
118 | The Goladiators | 108 | Brendan-5 | Domenick-59 | Laurel-39 | Stephanie J-5 |
118 | Tiago Boechat | 108 | Desiree-16 | Domenick-59 | Kellyn-29 | Morgan-4 |
122 | Alisa Shorty | 107 | Angela-31 | Brendan-5 | James-10 | Wendell-61 |
123 | LAVAR MOTHAFUCKIN BALL | 106 | Bradley-11 | Brendan-5 | Chelsea-31 | Domenick-59 |
123 | sugar stealers | 106 | Bradley-11 | Kellyn-29 | Stephanie J-5 | Wendell-61 |
125 | Assistant Dragon Slayer | 105 | James-10 | Kellyn-29 | Stephanie J-5 | Wendell-61 |
125 | KTWins21 | 105 | Angela-31 | Bradley-11 | Domenick-59 | Morgan-4 |
125 | Pandatickles | 105 | Bradley-11 | Kellyn-29 | Morgan-4 | Wendell-61 |
125 | Todd City | 105 | Angela-31 | Chelsea-31 | Chris-23 | Libby-20 |
129 | Jazel18 | 104 | Donathan-28 | James-10 | Laurel-39 | Michael-27 |
129 | So Casual (danomite10) | 104 | Laurel-39 | Michael-27 | Sebastian-33 | Stephanie J-5 |
131 | Burrow | 103 | Chelsea-31 | James-10 | Stephanie G-1 | Wendell-61 |
131 | Puddin' Snack Pack! | 103 | Morgan-4 | Sebastian-33 | Stephanie J-5 | Wendell-61 |
131 | uncledougy | 103 | Brendan-5 | Morgan-4 | Sebastian-33 | Wendell-61 |
134 | Charlie Groton | 102 | Domenick-59 | James-10 | Kellyn-29 | Morgan-4 |
134 | Ozzy fan | 102 | Bradley-11 | Chelsea-31 | Michael-27 | Sebastian-33 |
134 | Sneeeellslaw | 102 | Angela-31 | Brendan-5 | Stephanie J-5 | Wendell-61 |
137 | justice for all | 101 | Angela-31 | Domenick-59 | Jacob-1 | James-10 |
137 | Morgan's Killer Whales | 101 | Domenick-59 | Morgan-4 | Sebastian-33 | Stephanie J-5 |
137 | Peachykeene | 101 | Brendan-5 | Chelsea-31 | Morgan-4 | Wendell-61 |
140 | High Quality Crew (DooMoo) | 100 | Bradley-11 | Kellyn-29 | Michael-27 | Sebastian-33 |
140 | Suck It Up Buttercup (@timlsocal) | 100 | Brendan-5 | Kellyn-29 | Laurel-39 | Michael-27 |
140 | The Boot | 100 | Brendan-5 | Kellyn-29 | Stephanie J-5 | Wendell-61 |
143 | @davidmcd19 | 99 | Bradley-11 | Jenna-23 | Morgan-4 | Wendell-61 |
143 | bearly care about eligibility | 99 | Desiree-16 | Jenna-23 | Michael-27 | Sebastian-33 |
143 | Copper Jalapeno | 99 | Kellyn-29 | Morgan-4 | Stephanie J-5 | Wendell-61 |
143 | team of sneaky ballers | 99 | Bradley-11 | Chelsea-31 | Donathan-28 | Kellyn-29 |
143 | the sky is falling | 99 | Brendan-5 | James-10 | Jenna-23 | Wendell-61 |
143 | violina23 | 99 | James-10 | Jenna-23 | Stephanie J-5 | Wendell-61 |
149 | Batleon Inc. | 98 | Brendan-5 | Domenick-59 | Kellyn-29 | Stephanie J-5 |
149 | Come On In Here | 98 | Chelsea-31 | Kellyn-29 | Sebastian-33 | Stephanie J-5 |
149 | FlyFarAway | 98 | Donathan-28 | Laurel-39 | Michael-27 | Morgan-4 |
149 | HBOCEOofTits | 98 | Donathan-28 | Morgan-4 | Stephanie J-5 | Wendell-61 |
149 | Purplerockmatt | 98 | Brendan-5 | Michael-27 | Stephanie J-5 | Wendell-61 |
149 | Roswulf | 98 | James-10 | Jenna-23 | Morgan-4 | Wendell-61 |
155 | Head Architect Sylvia | 97 | Brendan-5 | Domenick-59 | Kellyn-29 | Morgan-4 |
155 | Kratz | 97 | Brendan-5 | Laurel-39 | Libby-20 | Sebastian-33 |
155 | Mike Hirsch’s Random Team | 97 | Chelsea-31 | Donathan-28 | Sebastian-33 | Stephanie J-5 |
155 | Purple Rock Emma | 97 | Domenick-59 | Kellyn-29 | Morgan-4 | Stephanie J-5 |
155 | Teen Titans (Star Z) | 97 | Bradley-11 | Chelsea-31 | Donathan-28 | Michael-27 |
155 | Yul's Gritty Reboot (Dutch) | 97 | Domenick-59 | James-10 | Jenna-23 | Stephanie J-5 |
161 | Maulik Shah | 96 | Brendan-5 | Kellyn-29 | Stephanie G-1 | Wendell-61 |
161 | Max_Jets | 96 | Chris-23 | Kellyn-29 | Laurel-39 | Stephanie J-5 |
163 | Blinky, Inky, Pinky, and Clyde (Something Quirky) | 95 | Chelsea-31 | Desiree-16 | Donathan-28 | Libby-20 |
163 | The Feather Rufflers | 95 | Jenna-23 | Kellyn-29 | Laurel-39 | Morgan-4 |
165 | 00 Koko Costanza (Dr V) | 94 | Chris-23 | Donathan-28 | Jenna-23 | Libby-20 |
165 | kittycat | 94 | Chelsea-31 | Jacob-1 | Stephanie G-1 | Wendell-61 |
165 | The Jolly Olly Man | 94 | Brendan-5 | Jenna-23 | Stephanie J-5 | Wendell-61 |
168 | Gordomakefire | 93 | Jenna-23 | Morgan-4 | Stephanie J-5 | Wendell-61 |
168 | Judd Muffin | 93 | Jacob-1 | Michael-27 | Morgan-4 | Wendell-61 |
168 | Kate's Four (Twitter: @kateeppweaver) | 93 | Brendan-5 | Jenna-23 | Morgan-4 | Wendell-61 |
171 | Survivor Clubb | 92 | Desiree-16 | James-10 | Stephanie J-5 | Wendell-61 |
172 | super fan girls and boys | 91 | Bradley-11 | Brendan-5 | Desiree-16 | Domenick-59 |
172 | Team nerd super fan | 91 | Bradley-11 | Brendan-5 | Desiree-16 | Domenick-59 |
174 | O'Doyle Rules | 90 | Laurel-39 | Libby-20 | Michael-27 | Morgan-4 |
175 | Girl's Alliance (Violina23's kids) | 89 | Angela-31 | Chelsea-31 | Jenna-23 | Morgan-4 |
175 | Pai Mei's Fish Heads | 89 | Brendan-5 | Desiree-16 | Kellyn-29 | Laurel-39 |
177 | Jeff Probst's Hairpiece | 88 | Brendan-5 | Chelsea-31 | Chris-23 | Kellyn-29 |
177 | Mediocre White Men | 88 | Brendan-5 | Chris-23 | Michael-27 | Sebastian-33 |
177 | Ms Woozah | 88 | Angela-31 | Chris-23 | Kellyn-29 | Stephanie J-5 |
177 | Taako From Teevhii | 88 | Chris-23 | Michael-27 | Sebastian-33 | Stephanie J-5 |
177 | yeltra's yeomen | 88 | Bradley-11 | Laurel-39 | Sebastian-33 | Stephanie J-5 |
182 | I Played Survivor Once | 87 | Chris-23 | Michael-27 | Morgan-4 | Sebastian-33 |
182 | WelldressedEvil's Folly | 87 | Desiree-16 | Laurel-39 | Michael-27 | Stephanie J-5 |
184 | Friendchooser | 85 | Bradley-11 | Brendan-5 | Domenick-59 | James-10 |
184 | Just a Team - randomfan | 85 | Angela-31 | Desiree-16 | Donathan-28 | James-10 |
184 | Saturday Night of the Living Palsy | 85 | Brendan-5 | Desiree-16 | Domenick-59 | Stephanie J-5 |
187 | Diego's Armomdad | 84 | Chelsea-31 | Desiree-16 | James-10 | Michael-27 |
187 | GreekSurvivorBlows | 84 | Bradley-11 | Domenick-59 | James-10 | Morgan-4 |
189 | I waited until after the first episode | 82 | Brendan-5 | Donathan-28 | James-10 | Laurel-39 |
190 | I'm a wizard! | 81 | Brendan-5 | Desiree-16 | Michael-27 | Sebastian-33 |
190 | YoshiKirbyAndToad | 81 | Bradley-11 | James-10 | Michael-27 | Sebastian-33 |
192 | BCDF | 80 | James-10 | Laurel-39 | Michael-27 | Morgan-4 |
192 | CasualFan's Randon Pick 4 | 80 | Brendan-5 | Desiree-16 | Laurel-39 | Libby-20 |
192 | Fire GOOD! No Fire BAD! (@CheekzKER) | 80 | Angela-31 | Desiree-16 | James-10 | Jenna-23 |
192 | MaximusMeridius (@darthmitchell) | 80 | James-10 | Morgan-4 | Stephanie J-5 | Wendell-61 |
192 | Pooka Party | 80 | Bradley-11 | Jacob-1 | Kellyn-29 | Laurel-39 |
197 | cloudladder | 79 | Bradley-11 | Domenick-59 | Morgan-4 | Stephanie J-5 |
197 | Icy Truth | 79 | Chelsea-31 | James-10 | Sebastian-33 | Stephanie J-5 |
199 | @doctor_wu33 | 78 | Domenick-59 | James-10 | Morgan-4 | Stephanie J-5 |
200 | ChickezTPI | 77 | Brendan-5 | James-10 | Stephanie G-1 | Wendell-61 |
200 | JessemHerring | 77 | Brendan-5 | Donathan-28 | Laurel-39 | Stephanie J-5 |
200 | kemperboyd is bad at fantasy | 77 | Kellyn-29 | Laurel-39 | Morgan-4 | Stephanie J-5 |
200 | Kiwi Survivor | 77 | Brendan-5 | James-10 | Kellyn-29 | Sebastian-33 |
200 | LeLi | 77 | James-10 | Stephanie G-1 | Stephanie J-5 | Wendell-61 |
205 | Bundi's All-American Rejects | 76 | Chris-23 | Donathan-28 | Libby-20 | Stephanie J-5 |
205 | Quaternion - Complex and Interesting (bassmanxvi) | 76 | Angela-31 | Chelsea-31 | James-10 | Morgan-4 |
207 | BadPlayer’s BWB-Redux | 75 | Laurel-39 | Michael-27 | Morgan-4 | Stephanie J-5 |
207 | davidthemailman | 75 | Brendan-5 | Chelsea-31 | James-10 | Kellyn-29 |
207 | Jacob SW | 75 | Brendan-5 | Morgan-4 | Stephanie J-5 | Wendell-61 |
207 | The Ultimate Survivor Fan | 75 | Bradley-11 | Chelsea-31 | James-10 | Jenna-23 |
211 | Winner's Edit | 74 | Brendan-5 | James-10 | Laurel-39 | Libby-20 |
212 | Boo-bies | 73 | James-10 | Jenna-23 | Laurel-39 | Stephanie G-1 |
212 | ChillTown | 73 | Brendan-5 | Domenick-59 | Morgan-4 | Stephanie J-5 |
212 | xhelmsx | 73 | Brendan-5 | Donathan-28 | Jacob-1 | Laurel-39 |
215 | Bring back Rupert!!! | 72 | Angela-31 | Bradley-11 | Jacob-1 | Kellyn-29 |
215 | IJY | 72 | Bradley-11 | Kellyn-29 | Michael-27 | Stephanie J-5 |
215 | indescribable hat | 72 | Brendan-5 | Kellyn-29 | Sebastian-33 | Stephanie J-5 |
215 | Keith Spitting (@FayeBlueArt) | 72 | Desiree-16 | Donathan-28 | Jenna-23 | Stephanie J-5 |
215 | Laurel by 90 | 72 | Brendan-5 | Jenna-23 | Laurel-39 | Stephanie J-5 |
215 | Your wife | 72 | Bradley-11 | Brendan-5 | Jenna-23 | Sebastian-33 |
221 | As long as Saturday night palsy doesn't win im happy | 71 | Chris-23 | Jacob-1 | Libby-20 | Michael-27 |
221 | DadBevi | 71 | Jacob-1 | Jenna-23 | Libby-20 | Michael-27 |
221 | First timer | 71 | Bradley-11 | James-10 | Jenna-23 | Michael-27 |
221 | Have You Guys Seen My Bag? (@TrueAlainer) | 71 | Kellyn-29 | Morgan-4 | Sebastian-33 | Stephanie J-5 |
221 | Ms. Sweaterfan's Msfits | 71 | Brendan-5 | Kellyn-29 | Morgan-4 | Sebastian-33 |
226 | Purple Rock John | 70 | Donathan-28 | Morgan-4 | Sebastian-33 | Stephanie J-5 |
227 | Feather Rustles 2 | 69 | Chelsea-31 | Kellyn-29 | Morgan-4 | Stephanie J-5 |
227 | Jeff Probst 2020 | 69 | Brendan-5 | Domenick-59 | Morgan-4 | Stephanie G-1 |
227 | SV Forest | 69 | Angela-31 | Chris-23 | James-10 | Stephanie J-5 |
230 | Blurry Denzel | 67 | Brendan-5 | James-10 | Jenna-23 | Kellyn-29 |
230 | fancylittledaisies | 67 | Bradley-11 | Donathan-28 | Jenna-23 | Stephanie J-5 |
230 | GCR Team | 67 | Chris-23 | Jacob-1 | James-10 | Sebastian-33 |
230 | Houston Hot Pockets | 67 | Angela-31 | Brendan-5 | Michael-27 | Morgan-4 |
234 | DjangoDarkblade | 66 | Angela-31 | Bradley-11 | Chris-23 | Stephanie G-1 |
235 | House Slytheryan | 65 | Bradley-11 | Jenna-23 | Michael-27 | Morgan-4 |
235 | Short End of The Immunity Stick (VaderDawsn) | 65 | Bradley-11 | Brendan-5 | James-10 | Laurel-39 |
235 | Sneaky Sneaky | 65 | Bradley-11 | James-10 | Laurel-39 | Stephanie J-5 |
235 | The Meesta Meesta Lady (jniedj) | 65 | Chris-23 | Morgan-4 | Sebastian-33 | Stephanie J-5 |
235 | Toneloke | 65 | Kellyn-29 | Michael-27 | Morgan-4 | Stephanie J-5 |
235 | We Came, We Saw, We Kumquat (Drums X) | 65 | Angela-31 | Jacob-1 | Kellyn-29 | Morgan-4 |
241 | Closeup for Deville (DawnOfTheMaine) | 64 | Desiree-16 | Laurel-39 | Morgan-4 | Stephanie J-5 |
241 | Coconut Dream (clewis821) | 64 | Jacob-1 | James-10 | Libby-20 | Sebastian-33 |
241 | LC's team | 64 | Bradley-11 | James-10 | Laurel-39 | Morgan-4 |
244 | Black Sheep | 62 | Brendan-5 | Chris-23 | Kellyn-29 | Stephanie J-5 |
245 | Dagger's Possy | 60 | Brendan-5 | Jenna-23 | Michael-27 | Stephanie J-5 |
245 | Team stays Team (Julie Brock) | 60 | Brendan-5 | Desiree-16 | James-10 | Kellyn-29 |
245 | TheGodfeather | 60 | Angela-31 | Brendan-5 | Chris-23 | Stephanie G-1 |
248 | Crash | 59 | Brendan-5 | Jenna-23 | Michael-27 | Morgan-4 |
249 | Carrots' Duds (Probably) | 57 | Angela-31 | Bradley-11 | James-10 | Stephanie J-5 |
249 | Diego's Armomdo | 57 | Bradley-11 | Desiree-16 | James-10 | Libby-20 |
251 | Dagger'sPossy | 56 | Brendan-5 | Jacob-1 | Jenna-23 | Michael-27 |
252 | Survivor Ghost Coast to Coast | 54 | Bradley-11 | Brendan-5 | Sebastian-33 | Stephanie J-5 |
253 | Larks | 53 | Brendan-5 | Desiree-16 | Donathan-28 | Morgan-4 |
253 | Not redhead Stein | 53 | Brendan-5 | Laurel-39 | Morgan-4 | Stephanie J-5 |
253 | NukedJalapeno | 53 | Angela-31 | Desiree-16 | Stephanie G-1 | Stephanie J-5 |
253 | Storm's Husband | 53 | Bradley-11 | Morgan-4 | Sebastian-33 | Stephanie J-5 |
257 | MrMattBoehlke | 52 | Brendan-5 | Jenna-23 | Libby-20 | Morgan-4 |
258 | Ulong Tribe | 51 | Bradley-11 | Brendan-5 | Chelsea-31 | Morgan-4 |
259 | McCrackalackin' | 49 | Bradley-11 | James-10 | Jenna-23 | Stephanie J-5 |
259 | Side Character's Team that Dies in the first 4 episodes | 49 | Brendan-5 | James-10 | Kellyn-29 | Stephanie J-5 |
261 | Fun & Friendship | 48 | Jacob-1 | James-10 | Morgan-4 | Sebastian-33 |
261 | Team Winners | 48 | Brendan-5 | Donathan-28 | James-10 | Stephanie J-5 |
263 | TKOOZY | 47 | Brendan-5 | Morgan-4 | Sebastian-33 | Stephanie J-5 |
264 | First time for everything | 44 | Bradley-11 | Brendan-5 | Jenna-23 | Stephanie J-5 |
265 | @Hurleytennis | 41 | Brendan-5 | Michael-27 | Morgan-4 | Stephanie J-5 |
266 | Island Ghostbusters | 36 | Brendan-5 | Jacob-1 | Kellyn-29 | Stephanie G-1 |
267 | The Kid’s Court | 16 | Jacob-1 | James-10 | Morgan-4 | Stephanie G-1 |
268 | 0 | |||||
268 | 0 |
Champions, Outcasts, and Final Boss Leagues
Jersey Luck remains in the lead, a comfortable five points ahead of PurpleTally, IcyTruth, and DrVanNostrand (Dr V’s Costanza strategy netted him Chris Noble, which is perhaps the greatest-ever execution of the Costanza strategy). Just outside that coveted top four- and the only other team that hasn’t lost a player yet- is LAVAR MOTHERFUCKING BALL. We all wish the Big Baller Brand success in trying to move into one of those top spots.
And, of course, it was a tough week for our boy Purple Rock Matt, who now has the first team to be completely eliminated from Champions League. After toiling so long to make it, Matt is right back to being relegated. Pour one out for him.
Player points | ||||||
Team | Pick 1 | Pick 2 | ||||
1 | Purple Tally | 90 | Wendell | 61 | Kellyn | 29 |
2 | jersey luck | 79 | Libby | 20 | Domenick | 59 |
3 | IcyTruth | 64 | Sebastian | 33 | Angela | 31 |
4 | BBB | 58 | Chelsea | 31 | Michael | 27 |
5 | DrVanNostrand | 46 | Jenna | 23 | Chris | 23 |
6 | XL Pelican | 43 | Morgan | 4 | Laurel | 39 |
7 | Survivor Central | 33 | Brendan | 5 | Donathan | 28 |
8 | Saturday Night Palsy | 17 | Jacob | 1 | Desiree | 16 |
9 | Friend Chooser | 16 | Stephanie J | 5 | Bradley | 11 |
10 | Purple Rock Matt | 11 | James | 10 | Stephanie G | 1 |
As previously noted, the Outcasts League is traditionally dominated by beautiful and incredibly talented people, and that holds true again this week. Also, Emma is in second place.
Bassman xvi falls victim to Emma’s jinx from last week and loses his first player, potentially destroying an amazing comeback story.
Player points | ||||||
Team | Pick 1 | Pick 2 | ||||
1 | Purple Rock John | 87 | Domenick | 59 | Donathan | 28 |
2 | I and 1 | 84 | Jenna | 23 | Wendell | 61 |
3 | Taako from Teevhi | 62 | Sebastian | 33 | Kellyn | 29 |
4 | EmAndScoutInBK | 43 | Desiree | 16 | Michael | 27 |
4 | Maritimer | 43 | Morgan | 4 | Laurel | 39 |
6 | Storm of Cuteness | 36 | Brendan | 5 | Chelsea | 31 |
7 | Purple Rock Emma | 34 | Bradley | 11 | Chris | 23 |
8 | Snsetblaze/Alycia Swift | 32 | Jacob | 1 | Angela | 31 |
9 | Bassman xvi | 30 | James | 10 | Libby | 20 |
10 | Purple Rock Mark | 6 | Stephanie G | 1 | Stephanie J | 5 |
And in the contest to take over the role of Outcasts League commissioner, ADS, Mike Hirsch, and Max Jets are fighting for the lead, with Blurry Denzel and Gouis close behind. Diego Armando will fall out of the lead pack after losing James this week.
Player points | ||||||
Team | Pick 1 | Pick 2 | ||||
1 | Assistant Dragon Slayer | 89 | Wendell | 61 | Donathan | 28 |
2 | Mike Hirsch | 75 | Domenick | 59 | Desiree | 16 |
3 | Max Jets | 70 | Laurel | 39 | Angela | 31 |
4 | Blurry Denzel | 52 | Kellyn | 29 | Chris | 23 |
5 | Gouis | 44 | Sebastian | 33 | Bradley | 11 |
6 | Diego Armando | 41 | James | 10 | Chelsea | 31 |
7 | Hornacek | 31 | Michael | 27 | Morgan | 4 |
8 | Kemper Boyd | 28 | Brendan | 5 | Jenna | 23 |
9 | The sky is falling | 21 | Jacob | 1 | Libby | 20 |
10 | Sharculese | 6 | Stephanie J | 5 | Stephanie G | 1 |
Other leagues
We allowed people to do their own draft-based leagues again this season, because drafts are fun. You can find the results of those leagues here: PRP fantasy leagues.

John is the co-host of the Purple Rock Survivor Podcast. He can get loud too, what the fuck!
Favorite seasons: Heroes vs. Villains, Cagayan, Pearl Islands, Tocantins, Cambodia