No, I didn’t forget this post yesterday.
I forgot it on Monday.
Staff Predictions
The always reliable previews have Ron, Rick, and Wardog talking about targeting the goats. Well, mostly just Wardog talking. So why not go with that and pick someone that doesn’t have a lot of alliances and might start looking like an appealing person to take the end in Aurora? I mean, besides her challenge dominance giving her immunity again. Oh, and also my complete inability to predict anything. Besides that tho…
There seems to be a target on the new power trio of Rick, Ron, and Wardog, so the question here is whether I think Rick or Wardog will draw more heat for their recent tribal performances. But only one of them has a shot at winning immunity, so I’ll say they’re sending Wardog to the house.
Aurora, Wardog, and even Rick are all fairly obvious people to target at this point in the game. But this season has been anything but predictable so I’ll say the tide will turn on someone who has betrayed Kama. Someone who wanted to work with Kelley Wentworth. Someone who hasn’t been much of a character on the show. Someone who wants to make big moves and build a resume. Someone like Gavin.
I’m so good at predictions this season that we might want to start labeling my picks as spoilers. Just ignore the fact that I had to pick David three times before he finally went out. But definitely don’t ignore the fact that this week I’ve decided that David’s lone ally Rick will be going home. Why? Because almost everybody is playing “anyone but me” at this point, and for everyone that’s not Rick, Rick is “anyone but me”. It is fun, however, that none of these alliances ever hold because every group is that dog in Up that yells “Squirrel!” and can’t keep its eyes on the fucking ball.
Well, damn. After last week, nothing matters anymore. So how about the girls turn on Wardog and Rick, but are afraid one of them has an idol—because no one can see through the former’s awful performances and blindness—and vote out Ron instead. Oh, and Wardog somehow wins immunity, because why not? (Editor’s note: because he’s Wardog?)
Wardog just pulled off a blindside of Kelley that was very well constructed so now he is running this game. Ah but therein lies the danger because once you are running the game you have to make sure no one else plots against you. And I think this is the week where people’s loyalty bonds have broken enough that a random group of them get together and vote him out. This just seems like a bad season to be the leader.
Your Turn
Who will be voted out?
- The Wardog (47% Votes)
- Aurora (21% Votes)
- Gavin (13% Votes)
- Ron Clark (9% Votes)
- Rick (4% Votes)
- Julie (2% Votes)
- Lauren (2% Votes)
- Victoria (2% Votes)
Total Voters: 53

Co-host of the Purple Rock Survivor Podcast and the Canadian of the group, Andy has been watching Survivor continuously since the very beginning and likes to treat that as some kind of virtue to lord over others.
Favourite seasons: Heroes vs Villains, Cagayan, Cook Islands, Palau, Winners at War
Favourite players: Boston Rob, Kim Spradlin, Tony Vlachos, Sandra Diaz-Twine, Yul Kwon, Rob Cesternino
Pronouns: He/him