Survivor David vs Goliath Week Five Predictions

The swap is past and now we have to make picks for three different tribes. This just tripled my workload.

Staff Predictions


The Green Tribe isn’t going to tribal council. But for the formality of it all, my pick is Gabby for being the perceived weaker of the two minority members of the tribe.

I also don’t really think the Orange tribe is going to tribal, but I suppose they already have, so it’s not out of the question. If so, Kara was out of the vote last week, so her.


It will be Alison on the Green tribe because of wacky idol hijinks (but they’re not going to Tribal, so this prediction doesn’t matter).

Friendship ended with Elizabeth. Now Alec is Davie’s new best friend. Despite having a David majority, Elizabeth will be headed home this week.

Natalie Cole until further notice.

(Listen to the pod, I explain this more there)


So before she went away, I told Emma I’d let a Natalie prediction ride until she got back. You know, as a wedding present. But then she went and sent in a non-Natalie prediction on her way out. And got Bi right as a result. So now… do I go back to Natalie? That’s not the same thing as keeping the same prediction going, right? I’ll let you decide.


Hasn’t even watched last week’s episode yet.


Green tribe: I don’t think this tribe will lose. I ALSO don’t think Gabby is in as much trouble as she thinks. If anything, Christian’s bonding with the boys could get them to swing over and vote out Alison as a post-merge threat.

Orange: Oh, Alec. You poor, poor man. Now that the Davids have a majority, they can cut you loose and Kara won’t even object. Hope it was worth it.

Purple: Nothing gets rid of rainstorms more than some Natalie Napalm. But maybe the more accurate comparison is a bee, because she can keep stinging, but eventually they die. I’ll continue to predict Natalie until the merge.


Green Tribe: I mean, they definitely are not going to tribal council, but I guess I have to predict someone just for the heck of it, so I’ll say Gabby. But again, this ain’t happening.

Orange Tribe: This is probably not happening, but I guess it happened last time, so it is possible. After the fireworks Alec made last week, he probably thinks he is in the catbird seat now, but the return of Carl (which seriously, did they all forget about this?) could upend his plans. I like the suggestions that Andy and Brad had of Kara and Elizabeth and why the vote might go those ways, but allow me to propose a different name: Alec. He’ll be strutting around camp being insufferable to everyone and Carl and Davie have the numbers to just oust him. Bye Alec!

Purple Tribe: Now is Natalie time. I mean I know we have thought that for awhile, but trust me, it is here now. Why is it Natalie now? I mean, she is still in the majority along with her steadfast allies Mike White and Angelina. What’s that? Mike and Angelina don’t even like her at all? Seriously though, if I were someone like Mike or Angelina, I’d realize we are probably only 2-3 votes from the merge, we might get another swap to two tribes (we’ve seen it before) and once you hit the merge, Natalie isn’t going anywhere. If you really, really, really can’t stand Natalie, now is the only shot you have of getting rid of her for a very long time.


Andy Brad Emma John
Mark Matt
2nd Boot Lyrsa Carl Nick Nick Nick Jessica Nick
3rd Boot Natalie Natalie Natalie Dan Natalie Kara Natalie
4th Out Gabby Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi
6th Out
Gabby Alison Alison Gabby
6th Out
Kara Elizabeth Alec Alec
6th Out
Natalie Natalie Natalie Natalie

Your Turn

Time to vote again. And again. And again.

Who will the green tribe vote out sixth?

  • Alison (56% Votes)
  • Gabby (38% Votes)
  • Christian (3% Votes)
  • Dan (3% Votes)
  • John (0% Votes)

Total Voters: 64

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Who will the orange tribe vote out sixth?

  • Kara (42% Votes)
  • Alec (31% Votes)
  • Elizabeth (17% Votes)
  • Carl (9% Votes)
  • Davie (0% Votes)

Total Voters: 64

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Who will the purple tribe vote out sixth?

  • Natalie (58% Votes)
  • Lyrsa (33% Votes)
  • Nick (5% Votes)
  • Mike White (3% Votes)
  • Angelina (2% Votes)

Total Voters: 64

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Should we let Emma have a Natalie prediction?

  • Yes (81% Votes)
  • No (19% Votes)

Total Voters: 62

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