Here at the Purple Rock Podcast, we take pride in three things: 1) Our deep and comprehensive knowledge of Survivor, 2) our radio quality good looks, and 3) our startlingly accurate predictions that are never, ever, ever wrong. Never*.
Since we know everyone wants to know what is going to happen on Survivor Cambodia, but don’t want to be so gauche as to actually be spoiled, we will be providing for you our weekly guaranteed predictions**. And with our 1st episode picks we are providing a bonus prediction… our winner pick!
So without further ado, the Purple Rock Podcast Week 1 predictions. Think you can do better? Vote in the poll below.
As you can see we think the first boots fall into three categories: 1) women who are perceived to be weak at challenges and abrasive (Abi-Maria, Kimmi), 2) Cagayan threats (Spencer, Tasha), and 3) John’s picks. To listen to Andy and John’s justifications for their picks, listen to their preseason podcast.
Meanwhile our winner picks are operating on the same theory: Monica, Kelley and Varner all enter the game without a huge target on their backs and could navigate their way to a strong position while bigger targets are taken out in the early game. But the great thing about All-Star seasons is that anything can happen and anyone can win***.
Note: If you’ve been spoiled, you can go ahead and fuck off and not vote. There is literally no benefit, as there is no reward for being right and no one knows how you voted. So don’t vote. Seriously. No one is impressed.
Week One: If Bayon goes to Tribal Council, who goes home?
- Kass McQuillen (47% Votes)
- Stephen Fishbach (16% Votes)
- Kimmi Kappenberg (11% Votes)
- Joe Anglim (9% Votes)
- Ciera Eastin (6% Votes)
- Tasha Fox (5% Votes)
- Andrew Savage (2% Votes)
- Keith Nale (2% Votes)
- Monica Padilla (2% Votes)
- Jeremy Collins (1% Votes)
Total Voters: 122

Week One: If Ta Keo goes to Tribal Council, who goes home?
- Vytas Baskauskas (37% Votes)
- Abi-Maria Gomes (20% Votes)
- Spencer Bledsoe (15% Votes)
- Shirin Oskooi (13% Votes)
- Peih-Gee Law (8% Votes)
- Kelley Wentworth (2% Votes)
- Terry Deitz (2% Votes)
- Woo Hwang (2% Votes)
- Kelly Wiglesworth (1% Votes)
- Jeff Varner (0% Votes)
Total Voters: 122

Pre-season pick: Who will win Survivor: Cambodia - Second Chance?
- Kelley Wentworth (24% Votes)
- Jeff Varner (15% Votes)
- Ciera Eastin (10% Votes)
- Monica Padilla (9% Votes)
- Jeremy Collins (6% Votes)
- Tasha Fox (6% Votes)
- Stephen Fishbach (6% Votes)
- Peih-Gee Law (6% Votes)
- Shirin Oskooi (5% Votes)
- Vytas Baskauskas (3% Votes)
- Spencer Bledsoe (3% Votes)
- Kelly Wiglesworth (2% Votes)
- Kimmi Kappenberg (2% Votes)
- Woo Hwang (2% Votes)
- Keith Nale (1% Votes)
- Terry Deitz (1% Votes)
- Abi-Maria Gomes (1% Votes)
- Kass McQuillen (0% Votes)
- Joe Anglim (0% Votes)
- Andrew Savage (0% Votes)
Total Voters: 124

*All evidence to the contrary is a conspiracy of the saucer people.
** Not actually guaranteed.
*** Except Keith****.
**** And Woo.

Matt is convinced that all Survivor contestants named Michel(l)e are bad tv and you cannot prove he ever said otherwise. Also if he ever takes a strong stance about why everyone else is wrong, it is he that is inevitably wrong.
Favorite seasons: Micronesia, Heroes vs. Villains, Palau, Philippines, Pearl Islands, Cagayan