In a rare display of effort, John discovered a true Game Changer™ for the site: We can make quizzes now, y’all. And what better way to introduce this new feature than in the most self-involved way possible – making our readers find out which PRP staffer they are?
So take our below quiz to find out the truth: Will you be Andy the blowhard, John the conservative, Matt whose live blog you don’t read, Mark who is also on staff, or me, the girl?
[wp_quiz id=”11007″]
Feel free to tweet your results using the hashtag #PRPquiz. (Editor’s note: We will definitely be using this as a popularity contest and as a way to make fun of each other. Please give us the material we need.)

Emma is the token chick of the Purple Rock Podcast. She has watched the show continuously since the second episode.
Favorite seasons: Heroes vs. Villains, Micronesia, Cambodia, Cook Islands, China, Philippines
Favorite players: Courtney Yates, Parvati Shallow, Cirie Fields, Yul Kwon, John Cochran, Jeremy Collins