All hope is lost. Enter if ye dare. Time to discuss the seventh episode of Survivor: Winners at War.
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Purple Rock Survivor Podcast: Winners at War Episode 7 – “We’re in the Majors”
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In this episode, the Purple Rock Podcast discusses:
- The loss of Yul.
- How we’re feeling about this season as a result, and the state of the franchise as a whole.
- Who’s left that we like.
- Where Yul went wrong.
- If Michele and Nick made the right decision.
- The winners who change their games.
- Our current opinion of Michele.
- Michele and Wendell’s continuing bullshit.
- Our shock at Sandra leaving EoE.
- Ethan and Parvati.
- The mad dash for Fire Tokens.
- The fallout for Denise for wasting a second idol and announcing her presence in the game sure was swift and brutal, huh?
- The bickering of Ben and Adam.

The Purple Rock Survivor Podcast is among the top 500 Survivor podcasts on iTunes.