This week we’re going to do something we’ve never* done before: randomly choose new hosts for the podcast to have a little thing we like to call “The Purple Rock Social Hour”.**
*We’ve done this plenty of times.
**There’s no way this will just be an hour.
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In this episode, the Purple Rock Podcast discusses:
- Emma’s take on the season so far.
- The episode in question.
- Sam’s decision to vote out Anika.
- Was this good or bad for Sierra?
- Why people assume Sam and Sierra are a couple.
- Was Andy’s move anything?
- Where it went wrong for Anika.
- Anika’s vote out reaction.
- The new reward twist.
- Tiyana playing the Survivor Social Hour.
- Teeny’s blindside recovery.
- Egg negotations.
- Who is positioned well heading into the not-merge.
- Top 3 Andys
- YUL!
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The Purple Rock Survivor Podcast is among the top 500 Survivor podcasts on iTunes.