We won’t get fooled again, but we can’t say the same for the people on this show. You better bet that episode 12 of Survivor 46 gave John and Andy a lot to talk about, because while love ain’t for keeping, apparently immunity idols are?
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In this episode, the Purple Rock Podcast discusses:
- Did we like this episode?
- AGAIN?!?!?
- Did we think we’d get that lucky?
- The dissolution of an alliance
- How Charlie handled the reward choice vs how Maria did.
- How did Maria and Q so easily believe they had Kenzie and Liz on their side?
- Ben’s voting blunder.
- Why isn’t Charlie viewed as a threat?
- Where does this leave us going into the finale?
- Final Q thoughts.
- Top 3 songs by The Who
- Fan Mail

The Purple Rock Survivor Podcast is among the top 500 Survivor podcasts on iTunes.