Purple Rock Survivor Podcast Prediction Standings – Worlds Apart Week Three

Since we never seem to properly track these things, and we have a website, I’ve decided to make a weekly post tracking our predictions and who’s ahead in the score: me or John. More interestingly, we’re giving you all a chance to play along. Each week, we’ll post a poll to see who our listeners is going home in that week’s episode (no spoilers!). At the end of the season, we’ll see who was best at this (and don’t worry that we got a two week head start, since neither John and I have gotten one right yet).


After one week of polls, our listeners are already beating us. This was a horrible idea! Wouldn’t you know it, the one week John and I decide to stop being no collar bullies and stopped picking Nina, she goes home. This week is a double episode, so you all will have to pick two. Try not to show us up by getting them both right.
