Welcome to the suck, otherwise known as the latest episode of our podcast. This week, we cover the twelfth episode of Survivor: Kaoh Rong.
Purple Rock Survivor podcast: Kaoh Rong episode 12 “Now’s the Time to Start Scheming”
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In this episode, we discuss:
- Should Jason or Michele have been the target?
- Our final thoughts on Jason.
- Tai suddenly becoming the villain of the season.
- Should they have let Tai get to the final five with his idol?
- At what point does Aubry constant concessions on the vote hurt her?
- What Michele did well.
- How John’s growing Cydney fandom is getting out of hand.
Of course, we always welcome your comments. You can leave a comment here, tweet us (@purplerockpod, @purplerockjohn, @purplerockandy), or email us at purplerockpodcast on gmail. Thanks for listening and/or watching!
Note on our Explicit rating: This is not a particularly explicit podcast, but we do have some in our archives that qualify and we are sometimes more lax in our editing. So to comply with iTunes, we’ve erred on the side of caution and put in that rating. However, we will always warn listeners if a particular podcast is actually explicit before it begins.

The Purple Rock Survivor Podcast is among the top 500 Survivor podcasts on iTunes.