The baffling decisions of the twelfth episode of Survivor: Heroes vs Healers vs Hustlers get the uncensored treatment. For real, do not listen to this in a space where you don’t want people hearing certain language.
WARNING: We use bad language in this one. Lots of it.
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In this episode, Andy and John yell about:
- Lauren’s decision. Can we defend it?
- Mike burning up half an idol.
- How it feels to watch a season where nothing matters.
- Ashley and Lauren blowing up a final four two tribals after forming it, but one tribal before they’d have a majority without it.
- Ben’s actions this episode, from reacting to hearing his name out there to how it reacted to the tribal council outcomes.
- Is eliminating Ben worth blowing up your whole game at this point?
- How the Queen of the Social Game handled her reward win.
- That fucking challenge tho.
- Not a good look for Devon and Ashley to so obviously broadcast their security in the game.
- Heroism, healing, and hustling.
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The Purple Rock Survivor Podcast is among the top 500 Survivor podcasts on iTunes.