Strap into the jump seat and put your chairs in the upright position and have a listen to your original Purple Rock co-pilots, Andy and John discuss the latest double boot episode of Survivor: Edge of Extinction.

Purple Rock Survivor podcast: Edge of Extinction episode 10 – “Blood of a Blindside”
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In this episode, Andy and John discuss:
- A very busy episode of Survivor.
- John’s horniness for David getting voted out.
- Did Ron and Julie make the right call siding with Wardog over David?
- Kelley’s idol-holding ballsiness didn’t work this time.
- Dog vs butterfly.
- Crazy dog or crazy like a fox?
- Was David’s advantage decision the wrong one?
- Was Aurora’s worse?
- Ron and Julia’s games.
- Does Queen Victoria still have a chance?
- Wait… isn’t returnees playing with newbies the easiest thing in Survivor?
- Marked: Edgic of Extinction
- Season 40 casting rumours (spoiler warning)

The Purple Rock Survivor Podcast is among the top 500 Survivor podcasts on iTunes.