We finally get some new stories in the fifth episode of Survivor: Cambodia and thus spend the podcast discussing the goings on in Bayon and the surprising prominence of two of its members.
Purple Rock Survivor podcast: Cambodia episode 5 “A Snake in the Grass”
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In this episode, we discuss:
- The pre-merge phase of the season so far and the key ingredients of a great one.
- Where did Monica go wrong?
- Did Kimmi do the right thing? Did Jeremy and Spencer?
- Eat now or eat later, which is the right move?
- Spencer’s continued growth in understanding the nuances of “people”.
- Tendons = hearts.
- Have we seen the final five of this season?
- What have we learned this season about the effectiveness of pre-game alliances?
All that, plus we give the Zero Percent Club its own second chance. (Or fourth chance if you’re keeping score).
Of course, we always welcome your comments. You can leave a comment here, tweet us @purplerockpod, or email us at purplerockpodcast on gmail. Thanks for listening and/or watching!

The Purple Rock Survivor Podcast is among the top 500 Survivor podcasts on iTunes.