The third episode of Survivor Cambodia is dominated by Abi-Maria and Jeff Varner, like the season itself, as so is this podcast. Listen as we continue to discuss “how do you solve a problem like Abi-Maria?”
Purple Rock Survivor podcast: Cambodia episode 3 “We Got a Rat”
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In this episode, we discuss:
- Who got screwed by the swap? Who did well by the swap?
- Peih-Gee as Abi-Maria’s latest victim.
- How on earth did Tasha and Savage turn a two-to-four situation to their advantage?
- How badly did Varner screw up?
- Spencer-bot learning the feel-ings of the hoo-mans
- Jeremy’s emerging winners edit
- And a crazy theory of who could lose the next challenge
Of course, we always welcome your comments. You can leave a comment here, tweet us @purplerockpod, or email us at purplerockpodcast on gmail. Thanks for listening and/or watching!

The Purple Rock Survivor Podcast is among the top 500 Survivor podcasts on iTunes.