Two episodes converge on the night before a holiday, messing with our schedule almost as much as the actions of players on this season messed with their games. Listen to find out how thankful we are to have a season like this one to discuss.
Purple Rock Survivor podcast: Cambodia episodes 10 & 11
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In this episode, we discuss:
- Shelter vs Challenge and why the producers called this audible
- Our assessment of Ciera’s game and her placement in comparison to her first go round
- Should Jeremy have saved Stephen and was it all for naught?
- How much Andy can say about Stephen before we lose our entire audience.
- How in the world did Joe not get voted out?
- Is Spencer the new clubhouse leader in the winner standings?
- The return of Abi-Maria, Destroyer of Worlds
- Whether or not this season has been too twisty for its own good
- And what we’re thankful for this year.
Of course, we always welcome your comments. You can leave a comment here, tweet us @purplerockpod, or email us at purplerockpodcast on gmail. Thanks for listening and/or watching!

The Purple Rock Survivor Podcast is among the top 500 Survivor podcasts on iTunes.