The final podcast of the season finds Andy and John praising Tyson over his triumph while finding time to assess the games of Ciera, Gervase, Monica, and Hayden and to once again beat the dead horse that is Redemption Island.
Purple Rock episode 15: It’s my night
The upcoming season of Survivor will be Brawn vs Brains vs Beauty, with both hosts agreeing that they’d fit on every tribe.
We’re then joined at the 41:53 mark by previous podcast guests Matt, Emma, and Adam B for a Survivor roundtable: How was the season? What theme seasons would you like to see? Who was the best non-Tyson Survivor this season? If there was only going to be one more season of Survivor, who would you want them to bring back? Who do you want them to NEVER bring back?
Join us for the final podcast of a great Survivor season.

The Purple Rock Survivor Podcast is among the top 500 Survivor podcasts on iTunes.