Survivor Millennials vs Gen X Episode 6 Liveblog: “The Truth Works Well” October 26, 2016July 24, 2017Mark 800 Follow us on Twitter and Storify below for the sixth episode of Survivor: Millennials vs Gen X! [...]
Survivor Millennials vs Gen X Week 6 Predictions and Polls October 25, 2016October 25, 2016Andy 30 We got through the swap with a fairly predictable (i.e., three of you got it right) boot. Now we get three shots at [...]
Australian Survivor finale week. The slow march to oblivion. October 24, 2016October 25, 2016Sharculese 93 I don’t even know what I want out of this season anymore, guys. What satisfying conclusions are left here? [...]
Purple Rock Survivor Podcast: Millennials vs. Gen X episode 5 “Idol Search Party” October 21, 2016February 16, 2017purplerockpodcast 131 It’s time for a tribe swap and a swap of hosts as we cover the fifth episode of Survivor: Millennials vs. Gen X. [...]
Survivor Fantasy League Scoreboard- MvGX week 5 October 20, 2016July 24, 2017John 55 It’s David’s world, we’re all just living in it. [...]
Survivor Millennials vs Gen X Episode 5 Liveblog: “Idol Search Party” October 19, 2016July 24, 2017Mark 456 Follow us on Twitter and Storify below for the fifth episode of Survivor: Millennials vs Gen X! [...]
A History of Premerge Hidden Immunity Idols Plays in Survivor October 19, 2016November 1, 2016Emma 21 This past week, the Survivor community has been embroiled in a debate. Or, perhaps more accurately, mildly curious about a debate. David playing an idol [...]
Survivor Millennials vs Gen X Week 5 Predictions and Polls October 18, 2016October 18, 2016Andy 47 To no surprise, we all were able to see the writing on the wall to get our predictions right last week. Well, at [...]
Australian Survivor week 9. Twists and twists and twists and twists and spaghetti, spaghetti. October 17, 2016October 17, 2016Sharculese 95 Welcome back for week 9 of Big Brother Canada, wait, sorry, I meant Australian Survivor coverage. Things are happening. [...]
Purple Rock Survivor Podcast: Millennials vs. Gen X episode 4 “Who’s the Sucker at the Table?” October 14, 2016October 28, 2016purplerockpodcast 164 Kill yr idols, because it’s time to talk about the fourth episode of Survivor: Millennials vs. Gen X and decide who made the [...]
Survivor Fantasy League Scoreboard- MvGX week 4 October 14, 2016July 24, 2017John 60 Are you ready for a world where Fantasy Scoring Machine David is a real thing? [...]
Survivor Millennials vs Gen X Episode 4 Liveblog: “Who’s the Sucker at the Table?” October 12, 2016July 24, 2017Matt 534 Follow us on Twitter and Storify below for the fourth episode of Survivor: Millennials vs Gen X! [...]