Fantasy league scoring system discussion

Let’s see if we can modify the scoring system to make it more balanced, so that it doesn’t guarantee a win for the person with the winning player.

Here’s the current scoring system:

Tribe reward: 1 points
Tribe immunity: 2 points
Individual reward: 2 points
Individual immunity: 4 points
Finding an idol: 3 points
Playing idol successfully: 4 points
Redemption Island victory: 1 point
Return to game from RI: 2 points
VTEP (pre-merge): 1 point
Making the merge: 3 points
VTEP (post-merge): 2 points
FTC votes: 2 points each

Please throw out ideas in the comments below. We can test the ideas by scoring previous seasons to see what effect the changes would have made. And thanks for helping!

Ideas I’ll be testing:

  • One point for each week a player remained in the game (results below)
  • One point for each time a player received a vote and survived (results below)

Impact of adding one point for each week remaining in the game (for each season below, “before” means standard scoring, “after” means scoring after adding a single point per episode survived):

Before After Before After Before After
Tyson- 62 76 Tony- 57 70 Mike- 69 82
Monica- 46 60 Woo- 43 56 Carolyn- 47 60
Gervase- 40 54 Spencer- 32 45 Joe- 26 34
Ciera- 28 41 Tasha- 25 36 Will- 26 39
Laura M- 23 30 Kass- 24 37 Jenn- 23 32
Caleb- 21 32 Trish- 23 35 Sierra- 23 36
Hayden- 20 33 Jefra- 20 30 Tyler- 22 33
Aras- 18 26 LJ- 20 28 Dan- 22 34
Tina- 18 30 Jeremiah- 15 24 Rodney- 21 34
Katie- 16 28 Sarah- 13 19 Shirin- 17 27
Vytas- 14 23 Cliff- 11 15 Hali- 16 23
Laura B- 13 20 Lindsey- 11 15 Kelly- 12 18
Kat- 12 18 Morgan- 10 17 Joaquin- 6 11
Colton- 5 7 Alexis- 9 14 Max- 4 8
John- 5 8 Brice- 5 8 Lindsey- 4 7
Brad- 3 7 Garrett- 4 5 Nina- 2 4
Candice- 2 2 J’Tia- 4 6 Vince- 2 3
Rachel- 1 3 David- 0 0 So- 0 0
Rupert- 0 0
Marissa- 0 1


Impact of adding “bullet dodged” points (2 points given to the person with the second-highest vote total at a tribal council, as long as that person received more than 1 vote): 

Before After Before After
Tony- 56 58 Tyson- 62 62
Woo- 40 42 Monica- 46 48
Spencer- 31 33 Gervase- 40 42
Tasha- 24 24 Ciera- 28 32
Kass- 23 23 Laura M- 23 25
Trish- 20 20 Caleb- 21 21
Jefra- 18 20 Hayden- 20 22
LJ- 18 20 Aras- 18 18
Jeremiah- 13 15 Tina- 18 18
Sarah- 10 10 Katie- 16 16
Cliff- 8 8 Vytas- 14 14
Lindsey- 8 8 Laura B- 13 13
Morgan- 8 10 Kat- 12 12
Alexis- 7 9 Colton- 5 5
Brice- 3 3 John- 5 7
Garrett- 4 4 Brad- 3 3
J’Tia- 3 7 Candice- 2 2
David- 0 0 Rachel- 1 1
Rupert- 0 0
Marissa- 0 0