
[starbox id=John]

[starbox id=Andy]

[starbox id=Emma]

[starbox id=Matt]

[starbox id=Mark]

[starbox id=purplerockpodcast]

14 thoughts on “Contributors

    1. Just like in real life!

      (Actually, you should have seen the avatars we designed using a different site. My avatar from that one looked like younger, sexier Savage.)

  1. The new website looks great. Have you guys given any thought to the idea of opening a discussion thread here as soon as episodes of the new season air, so that there can be a discussion on your site in parallel with the one on the AV Club? Maybe it was just me, but it seemed like this season that there was a significant amount of uninformed commentary on the AV Club, it was a turn off to read and, during certain podcasts, I felt like you guys seemed particularly exasperated by the stupidity. That reaction was my one criticism of The Purple Rock Podcast last season. It was bad enough having to read uninformed comments and lack of game understanding, I didn’t need to hear insightful people aggravated by poor game analysis.

    1. Not to spoil anything, but yes we have discussed having episode
      discussion available here as soon as new episodes air (or within an hour
      or two of episodes airing). We’re still working out the logistics of how this would be done, assuming it’s something we can do.

      And please give us criticism like that
      during the season next time. It’s useful to us to know what we’re doing that’s working and what isn’t. You aren’t going to hurt our feelings.

      Also, thank you for recommending The Genius. I’ve only seen one episode so far, but I love it.

      1. Hello, this is Diego Armando. I have also enjoyed the work you have done for the site lately. I am just letting you know that I would be more than happy to help with episode write ups if you are interested in pursuing that direction. Let me know if you ever need any help. You guys and girl all rock.

        1. Hey Diego! Thanks for the offer (and also the reminder about episode write-ups, which we had explored at one point and then forgotten about). Have you used WordPress before?

          1. No, but I can learn. I will look into this later in the week. I actually have been wanting to start writing about Survivor and would be happy to aid you.

          2. If you want to send me a link, I’ll check it out. You can either do it here or send it to our email.

          3. Here you go.

            I wrote a cast assessment for this season as a writing sample. Feel free to give me ideas on how to improve or air your thoughts.

          4. Not a bad start. A few quick notes:

            1. Don’t put two spaces after a period. It screws with WordPress formatting. We have a writer that does the two spaces thing, too. We’ve given him a shock collar to try and break that habit.

            2. More images! I realize this was really just a sample of your writing, but images will let you break up the wall of text and give you another opportunity to be creative- either with your choice of image or with a caption.

            3. The mirror image Savage/Terry predictions were clever.

            One of us (not me!) volunteered to write the episode recaps for this season, but if you do one for the first episode or two, send me a link.

          5. Thank you for the criticism. 1. I was unaware of the WordPress spacing issue and will rectify that.

            2. I will add photos in the future.

            3. Those was the entry I was most proud of.

            I think I will do the write ups (if only for writing practice & experience). Thank you for willing to look at my work and help me with this. Let me know if you ever need any help on the site.

      2. I’m 2 months late in but I’d love it if you guys did the post game discussion here. I’m in the UK so I watch the episodes the next day. It can be so hard to be part of as it’s hard to get through all the comments, especially the moronic ones. I will say this though, I was once an uninformed AVclub commenter, and I met you guys there and that is part of how I learnt more about “the game”.

    2. I’ll echo John’s comment that we appreciate the feedback. Also: I agree with everything you’re saying and implying. I caught myself a few times getting too worked up about stupid people, but clearly not enough.

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