Survivor Fantasy League Scoreboard- Winners at War week 13 May 7, 2020John 8 Surrounded and drown…ded? Just one episode remains, and the real winners will be revealed- those that took 30 seconds to submit an online [...]
Survivor Fantasy League Scoreboard- Winners at War week 12 April 30, 2020April 30, 2020John 7 In fairness, I’d choose peanut butter over immunity as well. JohnJohn is the co-host of the Purple Rock Survivor Podcast. He can get [...]
Survivor Fantasy League Scoreboard- Winners at War week 11 April 23, 2020April 23, 2020John 16 Moving and shaking in the episode leads to some moving and shaking in the standings this week. JohnJohn is the co-host of the [...]
Survivor Fantasy League Scoreboard- Winners at War week 10 April 16, 2020John 13 Aww, man. Again? JohnJohn is the co-host of the Purple Rock Survivor Podcast. He can get loud too, what the fuck! Favorite seasons: [...]
Survivor Fantasy League Scoreboard- Winners at War week 9 April 9, 2020John 14 No, you do not receive fantasy points for “deliciousness”. Although if ever there were an episode… JohnJohn is the co-host of the Purple [...]
Survivor Fantasy League Scoreboard- Winners at War week 8 April 2, 2020John 18 Haha, cry yourself to sleep, Adam beat Tyson. But then also Tyson came back. So technically he didn’t beat him yet? JohnJohn is [...]
Survivor Fantasy League Scoreboard- Winners at War week 7 March 26, 2020John 20 Haha, cry yourself to sleep, Adam beat Yul. JohnJohn is the co-host of the Purple Rock Survivor Podcast. He can get loud too, [...]
Survivor Fantasy League Scoreboard- Winners at War week 6 March 19, 2020John 1 The queen is dead. Long live the queen! JohnJohn is the co-host of the Purple Rock Survivor Podcast. He can get loud too, [...]
Survivor Fantasy League Scoreboard- Winners at War week 5 March 13, 2020March 13, 2020John 13 Your scoring leaders so far? Kim, Denise, and Sophie. All the single (season) ladies! JohnJohn is the co-host of the Purple Rock Survivor [...]
Survivor Fantasy League Scoreboard- Winners at War week 4 March 5, 2020March 5, 2020John 4 This post is the Survivor fantasy league equivalent of hauling logs down a mountain. JohnJohn is the co-host of the Purple Rock Survivor [...]
Survivor Fantasy League Scoreboard- Winners at War week 3 February 27, 2020John 13 I don’t care too much for fire tokens, fire tokens can’t buy me love. JohnJohn is the co-host of the Purple Rock Survivor [...]
Survivor Fantasy League Scoreboard- Winners at War week 2 February 20, 2020February 20, 2020John 19 The teams are locked, the spreadsheet is updated, the tables are cleaned up. Nothing can possi-bly go wrong. JohnJohn is the co-host of [...]