Survivor Fantasy League Scoreboard- HHH week 11 December 7, 2017December 7, 2017John 58 Stupid is as stupid does. Let’s check the scoreboard. JohnJohn is the co-host of the Purple Rock Survivor Podcast. He can get loud [...]
Survivor Fantasy League Scoreboard- HHH week 10 November 30, 2017November 30, 2017John 64 Two episodes and an actual authentic blindside shake up the scoring a bit this week. Or, as JP would say: ” [...]
Survivor Fantasy League Scoreboard- HHH week 9 November 27, 2017November 27, 2017John 13 Come gaze upon the havoc this week’s boot has wrought upon the top of the Pick-4 standings! JohnJohn is the co-host of the [...]
Survivor Fantasy League Scoreboard- HHH week 8 November 16, 2017November 16, 2017John 81 We have a new queen of Ponderosa. And we have a new king atop the Pick-4 standings. JohnJohn is the co-host of the [...]
Survivor Fantasy League Scoreboard- HHH week 7 November 9, 2017November 9, 2017John 41 It’s a devastating week for a very specific group of people: The pick-4 fantasy elites. JohnJohn is the co-host of the Purple Rock [...]
Survivor Fantasy League Scoreboard- HHH week 6 November 2, 2017November 2, 2017John 64 The bloodbath continues, as another top fantasy pick goes down. Come gaze upon the destruction this boot hath wrought. JohnJohn is the co-host [...]
Survivor Fantasy League Scoreboard- HHH week 5 October 26, 2017John 97 Come, let us rejoice in the pain of those that lost the most popular player in our Survivor fantasy league! JohnJohn is the [...]
Survivor Fantasy League Scoreboard- HHH week 4 October 19, 2017John 150 Not gonna lie, folks, I’m mailing this one in. Enjoy my even-less-than-half-assed effort. JohnJohn is the co-host of the Purple Rock Survivor Podcast. [...]
Survivor Fantasy League Scoreboard- HHH week 3 October 12, 2017October 12, 2017John 128 It’s an octopus! It’s a rock! No, it’s the PRP Fantasy League standings! JohnJohn is the co-host of the Purple Rock Survivor Podcast. [...]
Survivor Fantasy League Scoreboard- HHH week 2 October 5, 2017October 5, 2017John 142 The time to change your team has past. Now that you’re locked in, come see how you’re doing so far. JohnJohn is the [...]
Survivor Fantasy League Scoreboard- HHH week 1 September 28, 2017September 28, 2017John 143 Hi! You can draft a whole new team now if you want. Read on to find out how. JohnJohn is the co-host of [...]
Pick-4 Survivor: Heroes Healers Hustlers (HHH) fantasy league September 18, 2017September 26, 2017John 742 Welcome back to the greatest Survivor fantasy league on the internet! Things done changed, so pay attention. JohnJohn is the co-host of the [...]