Purple Rock Survivor Podcast Prediction Standings – Worlds Apart Week Three March 17, 2015September 29, 2015Andy Comment Since we never seem to properly track these things, and we have a website, I’ve decided to make a weekly post tracking our [...]
The 5 Survivor Bonus Clips Worth Watching This Week – Worlds Apart Episode 3 “Crazy is as Crazy Does” March 12, 2015June 10, 2015Andy 4 Because life is too short to watch all the clips CBS posts each week, I’m here to let you know which ones are [...]
Purple Rock Survivor Podcast Prediction Standings – Worlds Apart Week Two March 10, 2015August 24, 2016Andy 2 Since we never seem to properly track these things, and we have a website, I’ve decided to make a weekly post tracking our [...]
The 5 Survivor Bonus Clips Worth Watching This Week – Worlds Apart Episode 2 “It Will Be My Revenge” March 5, 2015June 10, 2015Andy 4 Because life is too short to watch all the clips CBS posts each week, I’m here to let you know which ones are [...]
Casting an All First Boot Season of Survivor November 7, 2014August 24, 2016Andy 7 For reasons that escape us, one of the most enduring ideas among Survivor fans is to have an All First Boot season. Bleeding [...]
Matching the Characters of Game of Thrones with their Survivor Counterparts April 7, 2014August 24, 2016Andy 5 This post is by Andy Sayers, co-host of The Purple Rock Survivor Podcast In this week’s podcast, we played a game of deciding [...]