Survivor Kaoh Rong Week 1 Predictions and Poll

Time for another season of rampant speculation based on our ability to overthink edits and warp our perceptions based on what we WANT to happen. It’s possible that being less invested in this contestants than the ones of the last season will lead to better predictions, but I doubt it. Which might be the only prediction I get right this season.


No big write-up this week for our boot predictions, but I’m sure we’ll get back to it soon. On that note, please let me know: did you enjoy the staff chat predictions last season, or were they unreadable? Looking for input so we can decide what we do going forward.

Andy John Emma Mark Matt Readers
Brawn First
Alecia Alecia
Alecia Alecia Darnell  Alecia
Brains First
Debbie Debbie Debbie Debbie Debbie
Beauty First
Caleb  Nick Caleb  Nick Julia

Survivor Kaôh Rōng Preseason Winner Picks

Now for our preseason winner picks, which… we’ve never gotten right. But, you know, there’s time! We’ve only been doing this for five seasons (this is only the second season for the non-podcasters), so I’m sure the sixth time is the charm. Still, I’d caution against wagering substantial amounts, just in case.

Andy: Here’s been my winner picks so far: Ciera Eastin, Sarah Lacina, Kelley Wentworth, So Kim, Monica Padilla. Each season I think a woman will be able to play a good mix of UTR and timely strategy. Each season I’m aggressively wrong (although Ciera did quite well). Here’s been the winners instead: Tyson – the most alpha of males on the cast, Tony – an absolute destroyer of worlds, Natalie – a reality TV ringer who Amazing Race fans cautioned would annoy everyone, Mike – a Probstian wet dream of a winner, Jeremy – the guy we thought was the clear frontrunner his first season. What do they have in common? None of them are people you’d peg as “crafty under the radar types” going into the season. So I’m done with that. Peter looks and feels like an alpha who will be given enough control early on that he can use it later on and will be able to present himself as such in front of a jury. I’m not saying UTR is dead; but I am tired of trying to make it happen.

John: Michele seems outgoing and fun, and in a season that will seemingly be about massive chunks of the cast succumbing to various tropical ailments that should be useful. Who wouldn’t enjoy a nice pick-me-up after watching a massive infection result in the amputation of a fellow player’s limb? She’s also from the Northeast, which has had a pretty good run of late: Tony, Natalie, and Jeremy (with Tony and Natalie also being from Michele’s home state of New Jersey). And given their proliferation lately, a Harry Potter fan has to win at some point, right?

Emma: I believe I mentioned this while drafting for the fantasy league(s), but I don’t have particularly strong feelings about any of the cast, which makes choosing a winner rather difficult. I would honestly abstain if I thought I could get away with it. But apparently, that “defeats the purpose” and “is a bitch move, Emma” so I guess I’ll pick someone. It’s not like I’m stuck with this prediction forever, right? I guess I’ll just double down on my Champions League pick and go with Jennifer. Even if the Brawn tribes loses early, I think she’ll make it through. This might send me to hell even faster than previously planned, but her addict past could be useful… we saw hints of what Vytas was capable of in Blood vs. Water and as a woman, Jennifer is less likely to be seen as a threat, strategic or physical. But if I was going with my heart, I’d say ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

Mark: Total shot in the dark, but between evacs and a lack of enthusiasm for this season by Probst and CBS, I think a woman wins. And looking at these ladies, Michele fits the “sure, why not” slot. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I’m putting as much effort into these as CBS is in promoting.

Matt: In a season where 80% of the cast gives off strong douche vibes, I have resigned myself to someone with at least a little douche in them winning.  Peter seems fit enough to survive the early game, and while clearly possessing a healthy ego (i mean he is a doctor) I think he is able to hide this a bit.  The one thing that could be his downfall is that he looks like Obama and I bet this cast is filled with Republicans.

Andy John Emma Mark Matt Readers
Peter Michele
Peter Jennifer

So there you have it. Make your picks below and don’t be afraid to give your explanation in the comments. We can be wrong together!

If Brawn goes to Tribal Council first, who will be eliminated?

  • Alecia (64% Votes)
  • Cydney (18% Votes)
  • Darnell (6% Votes)
  • Kyle (6% Votes)
  • Jennifer (4% Votes)
  • Scot (2% Votes)

Total Voters: 50

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If Brains goes to Tribal Council first, who will be eliminated?

  • Debbie (37% Votes)
  • Aubry (33% Votes)
  • Liz (10% Votes)
  • Joseph (8% Votes)
  • Neal (6% Votes)
  • Peter (6% Votes)

Total Voters: 51

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If Beauty goes to Tribal Council first, who will be eliminated?

  • Nick (33% Votes)
  • Tai (20% Votes)
  • Caleb (18% Votes)
  • Julia (16% Votes)
  • Anna (8% Votes)
  • Michele (4% Votes)

Total Voters: 49

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Preseason poll: Who will win Survivor: Kaoh Rong?

  • Jennifer (16% Votes)
  • Anna (12% Votes)
  • Michele (12% Votes)
  • Kyle (12% Votes)
  • Neal (10% Votes)
  • Liz (10% Votes)
  • Tai (6% Votes)
  • Joseph (6% Votes)
  • Debbie (6% Votes)
  • Nick (4% Votes)
  • Darnell (2% Votes)
  • Peter (2% Votes)
  • Scot (2% Votes)
  • Julia (0% Votes)
  • Cydney (0% Votes)
  • Caleb (0% Votes)
  • Aubry (0% Votes)
  • Alecia (0% Votes)

Total Voters: 50

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